
  • 网络secondary brain injury;SBI
  1. 大量实验研究证实,细胞凋亡(apoptosis)是继发性脑损伤重要的细胞死亡形式。

    Large empirical study have confirmed that apoptosis was the significant cell death form in secondary brain injury .

  2. 目的探讨继发性脑损伤CT动态观察的影像表现和价值。

    Objective To investigate the radiological manifestations and the value of continuous observation of the secondary brain injury with CT .

  3. CT动态观察继发性脑损伤56例临床分析

    The value and clinical analysis of the continuous observation of the secondary brain injury with CT : 56 cases report

  4. 其中一个重要原因是颅脑损伤后伴随的继发性脑损伤(SecondaryBraininjury,SBI)。

    One of important reasons resulting high mortality rate is secondary brain injury , SBI after head injury .

  5. 本研究拟通过对脑出血大鼠不同时间点脑组织表达IL-6的观察,探讨IL-6表达在大鼠脑出血后继发性脑损伤及脑水肿中的作用。

    The present study will observe the expression of IL-6 in the rat brain of ICH at different time point .

  6. 结果显示,早期应用大剂量维生素C治疗急性颅脑伤,能有效地控制脑水肿的发展,减轻继发性脑损伤。

    The results showed that acute brain injury should he treated with large dose vitamin C at the early stage which could control the development of cerebral edema and secondary brain inJury .

  7. 通过对35例急性颅脑损伤患者凝血功能的动态观察,结合跟综的CT扫描检查,探讨了凝血功能异常与继发性脑损伤之间的关系。

    Repeated examinations of the coagulation and CT scan were done in 35 patients with head injury and the relationships between the coagulation disorder and the secondary brain injury were explored .

  8. 结论:大鼠闭合性脑损伤后脑组织肿瘤坏死因子αmRNA表达水平增加,是加重继发性脑损伤的重要因素。

    CONCLUSION : The increase of the expression levels of tumor necrosis factor α mRNA in brain tissue after closed injury of brain in rats is the important factor of adding the continuous brain injury .

  9. 结论流体冲击致大鼠脑损伤后冲击侧皮层中LTC4的产生明显增加,不仅加重了皮层血循环障碍,同时也直接或间接参与了继发性脑损伤过程。

    Conclusion Following fluid percussion brain injury , the production of LTC4 in the percussion cortex is markedly increased , which is not only aggravated cortical circulation insult , but also directly and indirectly participated in secondary brain injury .

  10. 去骨瓣减压造成继发性脑损伤54例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of secondary brain damage of 54 cases after decompressive craniectomy

  11. 脑外伤后低氧与继发性脑损伤的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on Trauma-induced Hypoxia in Brain Injury and Secondary Injury

  12. 减轻出血后继发性脑损伤,营救神经元仍然是治疗的目标,而更好的理解脑出血的病理生理机制无疑是提高临床疗效的有效途径。

    The therapeutic object is to relieve secondary brain injury following ICH .

  13. 铁离子在脑出血后继发性脑损伤中的作用及机制研究

    Mechanism of Iron on the Brain Injury after Intracerebral Hemorrhage

  14. 颅脑损伤后凝血功能异常与继发性脑损伤

    The relationship between the coagulation disorder and secondary brain injury after head injury

  15. 炎性细胞因子在继发性脑损伤中作用的研究进展

    Effects of inflammatory cytokines in secondary brain injury

  16. 引起重型颅脑外伤后继发性脑损伤相关因素的临床研究

    The Clinical Research of After Severe Brain Injury caused by Secondary Brain Injury-related Factors

  17. 内毒素对大鼠继发性脑损伤及脑超微结构影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on the effect of endotoxin in secondary brain injury and brain ultrastructure in rat

  18. 大鼠脑出血继发性脑损伤及脑水肿中补体受体2型的作用

    Effect of complement receptor type 2 on secondary brain injury and brain edema in rats with intracerebral hemorrhage

  19. 结论依达拉奉对高血压脑出血继发性脑损伤的治疗是安全有效的。

    Conclusion Edaravone is safe and effective in the treatment of brain damage secondary to hypertension intracerebral hemorrhage .

  20. 复杂的内毒素-细胞因子网络在促进腹部肠管火器伤后继发性脑损伤的发生和发展中具有重要作用。

    Complicated endotoxin-cytokine network played important roles in the occurrence and the development of subsequent brain injury after wound .

  21. 而目前治疗脑出血的药物无一具有突破性的治疗效果,尤其是继发性脑损伤导致的神经功能缺失未得到根本解决。

    There has no breakthrough medicine to the disease ; especially neurological deficits caused by secondary brain injury still exist .

  22. 脑伤后以细胞凋亡为主要特征的继发性脑损伤是影响伤情转归的主要因素。

    Secondary brain injury featuring apoptosis following primary damage is one of the major factors which affected the outcome of TBI .

  23. 但损伤脑组织中低镁与继发性脑损伤的因果关系以及镁制剂对脑损伤的治疗和脑保护作用具体机制尚待进一步研究。

    The method of treating serious cerebral damage patients and protecting cerebral tissues with Mg2 + still need to be study .

  24. 以往研究认为脑损伤后的缺血缺氧产生大量的氧自由基是造成继发性脑损伤的主要原因。

    Many studies have shown that the production of oxygen free radical after primary brain injuries was the main reason causing the second brain injury .

  25. 脑缺血后继发性脑损伤是一个复杂的病理过程,其中细胞内Ca2+稳态失调在脑缺血的发病机制中起着重要作用。

    The pathological mechanism for ischemic injury was a perplexing cascade reaction , the perturbation of calcium homeostasis plays an important role in cerebral ischemic pathogenesis .

  26. 目的:探讨补体受体2型在实验性大鼠脑出血后继发性脑损伤及脑水肿中的作用。

    AIM : To investigate the effect of complement receptor type 2 ( CR2 ) on the secondary brain injury and brain edema in rats with intracerebral hemorrhage .

  27. 对于颅脑创伤的治疗,人们一直致力于对损伤脑组织保护的研究,以减轻原发性和继发性脑损伤。

    For the treatment of traumatic brain injury , people have been committed to the protection of brain tissue damage in order to reduce primary and secondary brain injury .

  28. 目的探讨内毒素在严重脑外伤后继发性脑损伤中的作用,进一步完善继发性脑损伤发生发展的机制。

    Objective To investigate the effect of endotoxin in secondary brain injury after severe cerebral trauma , and improve the mechanism of the occurrence and development of secondary brain injury .

  29. 背景:动物实验和临床实践证实亚低温能有效减少继发性脑损伤,但其对内环境稳定有无影响尚不清楚。

    BACKGROUND : Both animal experiments and clinical practice have confirmed that mild or moderate hypothermia is effective in reducing secondary brain injury , but its effect on homeostasis is not very clear .

  30. 研究表明,脑缺血时,血小板功能异常亢进,血液处于高凝状态,这是造成继发性脑损伤的重要原因之一。

    Series of studies have shown that platelets lost its normal function , being over activated , and blood was in a hypercoagulable state when cerebral ischemia , which is important to secondary brain injury .