
  • 网络chinese acupuncture and moxibustion;Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion;Chin Acupunc
  1. 中国针灸新世纪发展之管见

    On development of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion in the new century

  2. 中国针灸学史略

    A brief introduction to the history of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion

  3. 2针灸acupuncture2中国针灸医生最近指出,针灸不能用于所有的个人和所有的疾病。3拔罐cupping

    Chinese acupuncture practitioners3 recently pointed4 out that acupuncture cannot be utilized5 for all individuals and all diseases .

  4. 量子共振检测仪(Quantumresonancespectrometer,QRS)是一种应用中国针灸和量子医学的理论研制的检测人体生命活动状态的医疗仪器。

    Quantum resonance spectrometer ( QRS ) is used as medical equipment for testing and measuring people 's healthy condition , which is based on Chinese traditional acupuncture and quantum medicine .

  5. 中国针灸学续集(16-30辑)和针灸水平考试复习讲座针灸汉英翻译技巧探析针灸经穴的数字解剖学研究

    Study on techniques of Chinese-English translation of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion science

  6. 中国针灸在瑞士的发展概况

    Survey of development of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion in Switzerland

  7. 现代中国针灸学的三大突破性进展

    Three Breakthroughs in Modern Chinese Acup-Moxibustion Science

  8. 中国针灸研究博士,现在在费城实践的保罗·兹米耶夫斯基说道。

    says Paul Zmiewski , a Ph.D. in Chinese studies who practices acupuncture in Philadelphia .

  9. 当代中国针灸临证精要

    Essential Contemporary Chinese Acupuncture Clinical Experience

  10. 《中国针灸》十三年来发表文章分析

    Survey on Papers Published in 《 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion 》 in the Past 13 Years

  11. 《中国针灸》引用中文期刊情况初步调查

    Preliminary Survey of Chinese Journals Cited by " Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion " from 2000 to 2001

  12. 黑龙江畜牧兽医中国针灸学史略

    Heilongjiang Animal Science and veterinary medicine a brief introduction to the history of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion

  13. 现任中国针灸学会临床分会常务理事。

    Now He is the managing director of the Clinical Branch of China Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association .

  14. 中国针灸最佳时间治疗学

    Optimum Time for Acupuncture

  15. 中国针灸医生最近指出,在上海,针灸不能用于所有的个人和所有的疾病。

    Chinese acupuncture practitioners recently pointed out in shanghai that acupuncture cannot be utilized for all individuals and all diseases .

  16. 他引用了一个例子,即中国针灸针和人参的使用的国际标准。

    He cited as an example that the international standards for acupuncture needles and the use of ginseng have been set by China .

  17. 澄清了这位记者率先将中国针灸术介绍给美国的前因后果;

    Clears up the cause and effect of the fact that the reporter was the first to introduce Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion to USA ;

  18. 通过文献复习,探讨了朝鲜的针灸历史,着重介绍了与中国针灸史的关系。

    The historical data of korea were discussed by way of reviewing the literatures and the relation to the history of acupuncture and moxibustion in China was emphatically introduced .

  19. 有几个在中国针灸的穴位上或者接近的地方,有些可能是他受关节炎折磨的位置&腰椎、膝、踝。

    Several are on or close to Chinese acupuncture points and at places where he could have suffered from arthritis - the lower spine , right knee and ankle .

  20. 莎拉·魏纳是一名美国的80后女子,已经在马里兰州推行中国针灸有10年了,她希望有朝一日能和中国真正的针灸大师切磋技艺。

    Sarah Wehner , an American woman born in the 1980s , has been promoting Chinese acupuncture for 10 years in the state of Maryland , hoping that she can some day exchange views with real masters of acupuncture in China .

  21. 在中国,针灸疗法从古代就开始有了。

    In China the needle treatment dates back to ancient times .

  22. 中国兽医针灸历史悠久。

    Chinese veterinary acupuncture has a long history .

  23. 中国兽医针灸术在国外的传播

    Chinese veterinary acupuncture abroad

  24. 如中国的针灸疗法,是最具有中医药特色和服务优势的治疗方法。

    If the Chinese therapy of acupuncture , Chinese medicine is the most features and advantages of treatment services .

  25. 结论:中国传统针灸推拿疗法对孟加拉人膝关节炎合并滑膜炎疗效满意。

    Conclusion Chinese traditional acupuncture , moxibustion and massage have satisfactory therapeutic effect on gonarthromeningitis complicated by knee osteoarthritis of Bengalese .

  26. 中国传统针灸疗法已广泛为世界所接受,但其机理尚不明确。

    The Chinese traditional acupuncture treatment has been accepted widely all over the world , but its mechanism is still obscure .

  27. 她还表示,希望继续磨练自己的医术,并期望有朝一日能够和中国的针灸大师一起切磋。

    She added that she hopes to continue improving her medical skills and would love to speak with Chinese acupuncture masters in the future .

  28. 郑老关于重视研究中国传统针灸针法的观点和实践,成为中国乃至世界针灸针法研究的重要组成部分。

    Professor Zheng 's opinions and practice which emphasize on the studies of Chinese traditional acupuncture , moxibustion and needling methods indicate the direct of acupuncture and moxibustion studies in both China and world .

  29. 他担任过国家攀登计划经络研究的首席科学家,主持过多项有关针灸经络的学术研究,为新中国的针灸事业作出了卓越贡献。

    He assumed the chief scientist of the studies of channels , a national scaling plant of sciences , and taken charge of many items of academic studies about acupuncture and channels , and makes outstanding contributions to the acupuncture and moxibustion cause of new China .

  30. 一个伟大的一点是,中国古代认为针灸可以刺激你的生育能力。

    A great point is that the ancient Chinese believed that acupuncture can boost your fertility .