
  1. 谈越南古传医学的历史与现状

    A Talk About History and Present Situation of Vietnamese Ancient Medicine

  2. 放射医学的历史与展望

    History and development of Radiation Medicine

  3. 本文拟对我国急诊医学的历史进行回顾,对现状进行分析,对未来进行展望和探讨。

    This article reviews the history of emergency medicine , analyzes the current status and makes a prospect and an approach to further development .

  4. 含砷化合物作为一种新的抗肿瘤药物从上世纪70年代开始受到人们的重视。三氧化二砷(Arsenictrioxide,As2O3)是传统中药砒霜的主要成分,作为药物在中国和西方医学的应用历史悠久。

    Arsenic compounds as a new anticancer drugs began to attracting attention from the 1970s . Arsenic trioxide is the main component of traditional Chinese medicine , arsenic , as a traditional drug in the application of Chinese and Western medicine has a long history .

  5. 我国儿科医学教育的历史和现状

    The history and Present Status of Pediatric Education in Our Country

  6. 这位医生的讲座涉及了医学的全部历史。

    The doctor 's talk covered the complete history of medicine .

  7. 对医学模式的历史演变进行了回顾与归纳。

    The historic development of medical model was retrospect and inducted .

  8. 批判医学人类学的历史与理论框架

    On the History and Theoretic Framework of Critical Medical Anthropology

  9. 医学哲学的历史发展

    On the Historical Development of Medical Philosophy

  10. 欧洲传统医学兴衰的历史、经验和对传统医药发展的思考

    Thinking about the history , experience of European traditional medicine and the development of traditional medicine

  11. 事实上,国人西医观的改变,不仅仅是人们医学观的历史变迁,它引起了一系列的连锁反应。

    In fact , the changes of the views were not only historical changes on Western medicine , but also led to chain reactions .

  12. 黄河流域灾害问题的历史透视循证探源&中医学与循证医学关系的历史透视与哲学分析

    Study the Disasters in the Yellow River Reach from the Historical Perspectives A Historical Approach and Philosophical Analysis of the Relationship between Evidence-Based Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine

  13. 这段个人历史的背面是医学进步的历史,而闪烁其间的亮点是爱情戏的两种展开模式:期待爱情与拥有爱情。

    The background of this personal history is a history of the medical progresses , in which the glittering spots are two kinds of launching pattern of love play : anticipating love and owning love .

  14. 第二部分为本文第2、3章,第2章主要通过分析综合国内医学教育的历史、现状,比较和借鉴国外医学教育改革的成功经验,对我国医学教育改革指明方向。

    The second chapter shows clearly the direction of the medical education reform of our country by analyzing the history and present situation of domestic medical education , comparison and reference of foreign medical education reforms successful experience , on the direction of medical education reform in China .

  15. 文章先简要介绍了医学超声的历史,然后在超声换能器、数字化超声成像,医学超声的非线性技术和医学超声的基础性研究4个方面综述了与诊断有关的超声工程技术的现状和发展趋势。

    The history of medical ultrasound technology is briefly introduced in this paper . Then the status quo and the prospect of the diagnostic ultrasound engineering is outlined in the following four fields : ultrasonic transducer , digital ultrasonic imaging , nonlinear technique and fundamental research in medical ultrasound .

  16. 高压氧(HBO)在医学上的应用历史虽短,但它对某些疾病的独特疗效已引起医学界的日益重视。

    Though the history of Hyperbaric Oxygen ( HBO ) applied in medicine is very short , its unique curative effect on certain diseases has attracted increasing attention of the medical profession .

  17. 美国医学精英教育的历史成因及启示

    Historical Causes and Enlightenment of American Elite Medical Education

  18. 论医学人文精神的历史走向

    On the Development Tendency of Medicine Humane Spirit

  19. 山竹果在中医和印度草药医学里的药用历史悠久。

    The mangosteen fruit has a long history of medicinal use in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine .

  20. 论文还就韩医家们如何通过吸收《伤寒论》合理内核,丰富、发展韩医学基本理论的历史进程作了探讨。

    In addition , the paper makes a discussion that process how doctors of Korea medicine develop Korea medicine theory in use of SHL .

  21. 本文针对计算机临床辅助诊断的研究,回顾了医学知识工程的历史进程,综合地分析了现有的医学专家系统的医学知识表达、推理技术的实现等技术。

    Reviewed the development history of medical knowledge engineering , the thesis had analysed the techniques of medical knowledge representation and deductive mechanisms in existing medical export systems in detail .

  22. 秦汉以前是中国传统医学发展的重要历史时期之一,这一时期中医学对以往的医药经验进行了系统总结,形成了中医学的基本学术体系。

    The Qin and han Dynasty before is one of the important history period of tradition Chinese medicine , which the traditional Chinese medicine carries on the summary to the former medicine experience .

  23. 通过中西医学发展的不同历史与概念之比较,说明中医学所蕴藏的独特医学体系,完全可以与西方医学平等互补,共同发展现代全球医学。

    By comparing the different history and concepts of the development of Chinese medicine and West medicine , it is illustrated that the unique system of Chinese medicine can definitely be equal and serve as the supplement for western medicine , and jointly develops modern medicine of the whole world .

  24. 近现代中国高等医学教育课程设置的历史变迁与启示

    The Historical Changes and Inspiration of Chinese Modern Medical Education Curriculum

  25. 医学影像设备的数字化历史

    Digitalization History of Medical Image Equipment

  26. 中医养生属于预防医学的范畴,其历史悠久,具有系统的理论,丰富的养生方法和简便廉验的特色,相对于其它预防医学,具有较大的优势。

    Health Preservation of TCM is the scope of preventive medicine . Compared with other preventive medicine , it has a long history with systematic theory and various ways .

  27. 目前国外西医的治疗主要遵循WHO推荐的三阶梯止痛方案,而对于我们来说祖国传统医学有着悠久的历史,其中外治法在治疗癌性疼痛方面的作用较为突出。

    Western medicine treatment in most country mainly follow the three-step analgesic ladder therapy recommended by WHO , but Chinese traditional medicine plays an important role in external therapy in treatment of cancer pain .

  28. 目的:通过调查了解国内外医学营养教育发展的历史,探明医学营养教育的现况,为今后营养教育的开展提供依据。

    Objective To give an introduction to the national and international nutrition education history as well as the current situation of the nutrition education which provide the evidence for the future development of nutrition education .

  29. 综述了医学对象可视化的发展历史、研究内容、研究现状、发展趋势以及医学对象可视化系统的研究内容及其应用,并着重介绍了医学对象可视化的主要基础算法。

    A survey on medical object visualization is made , which comprises the history , research focus , current status and developing trend of medical object visualization and the research work and application of medical object visualization system . Especially , some fundamental algorithms of medical object visualization are introduced .

  30. 实施创新教育,开展研究性教学,培养高素质医学创新人才,是时代赋予高等医学教育的历史使命。

    It is a historical mission our age has entrusted to higher medical education to foster creative medical talents of high quality by developing innovative education and research-oriented teaching .