
  • 网络medical department
  1. 访谈主要针对医院分管领导、医务科和护理部主要负责人、科室分管医疗服务质量的主任。

    The interview mainly aims at the leaders in charge of these affairs of the hospital , principal persons of the medical department and the nursing department , the administrative officers who are in charge of the medical service quality .

  2. 问卷调查主要针对样本医院的顾客(住院患者)和医务科、护理部等职能部门从事医疗服务质量管理的人员。

    The questionnaire survey mainly aims at the customers ( in hospital patients ) of the sample hospital and the personnels who are engaged in the medical service quality control in the functional departments of medical department and nursing department .

  3. 转变医务科职能、改进管理模式等七个方面对如何在新形势下进一步加强医疗质量管理进行了总结。

    G. Transforming the function of medical affairs section and improving management model .

  4. 心理咨询方法在医务科接待工作中的应用

    The Mental State Consultation Method Receives The Application in the Work in The Medical Section

  5. 方法护理部、医务科、病区护士长评估护理工作中可能存在的风险,然后完善相应工作制度,改进工作流程,制定常见风险、专科危重症及突发疫情的应急处理程序;

    Methods The nursing department , medical administration department and head nurses assessed the possible risks in clinical nursing works .

  6. 你可以去医院医务科陈述意见,看看院方怎样答覆。

    You can go to the hospital the Medical Services Section presented their views to see what reply the hospital .

  7. 深圳市观澜人民医院医疗质量管理团队是由医务科、质控科和各科医疗质量控制小组共同组成,在日常组织、实施等方面基本达到制度化、规范化。

    The quality management of medical treatment in Guanlan Hospital is a quality control system of medical treatment , consisting of Medical Matters Department , Quality Control Department and various quality control groups of medical treatment . And its controlling system fundamentally becomes more and more systematize and normalized .

  8. 医务科每日都要接待不少患者、患者家属,以及其他相关人员,他们虽然目的不同,但或多或少都带着消极的情绪,这给医务科的日常工作带来了挑战。

    One of the daily work of the medical section in a hospital is to confront and treat patients many relevant people with different purposes but always taking a comparatively negative attitude and emotion with them . This will surely bring big challenge to the staff of medical section .

  9. 老人及医务社会服务科〔社会福利署〕

    Elderly and Medical Social Services Branch [ Social Welfare Department ]

  10. 为了解我院在职口腔科医务人员及口腔科进修实习人员的自我防护情况,对我院口腔科医务人员110人进行问卷调查。

    To understand the self-protection awareness of both medical staff and trainee in stomatology department of our hospital , 110 medical workers were investigated by filling out the questionnaire .

  11. 结论1、从患者、医务人员和检验科工作人员中多方面获取影响其满意度的因素,对优化医院检验业务流程是非常必要和可行的。

    It is necessary and feasible to optimize the clinical laboratory process by collect information and the factors affecting their satisfaction from patients , medical staff and laboratory staff . 2 .