
  • 网络The Morgue;the Mortuary
  1. 我屏住呼吸向下走去,当走过与这个斜坡紧挨着的那两扇门时,我又有了诡异的感觉:这儿原来是家医院(这我们已经知道了),这地下室以前是个停尸房。

    In passing the two big shut doors adjacent to the last ramp I had another weird feeling of certainty and realization22 : this was a hospital ( we already know that . ) This basement used to be the morgue .

  2. 11月15日周六早上,约翰·索梅斯(JohnSommese)开着一辆租来的灵车,缓缓驶入稀落的车流,向停尸房开去。

    On Saturday morning , Nov. 15 , John Sommese settled into a rented hearse , eased into the sparse traffic and drove to the morgue .

  3. 拥有卡拉奇最大的停尸房、并提供救护车服务的艾德希基金会(Edhifoundation)表示,他们在最近几天已经接收了600多具尸体。

    The Edhi foundation , which runs an ambulance service and Karachi 's largest morgue , said it had collected over 600 bodies in recent days .

  4. 我们已经知道preston去过停尸房。

    We know that Preston had access to the morgue .

  5. 因此,我跟我的朋友巴特桑德尔(bartzandell)说了说,他是当地停尸房的指纹专家。

    So , I talked to my friend Bart zandell , a fingerprint expert for the local morgue .

  6. 我想我是把鞭子忘在停尸房了。

    I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary .

  7. 去停尸房的路上我再给你说案情。

    I 'll brief you on the way to the morgue .

  8. 把货送到停尸房,别搞砸了!

    Get the load to the mortuary and don 't screw up .

  9. 他停尸房,并检查了身体。

    He went to the morgue and examined the body .

  10. 我想让你到停尸房找我。

    I need you to meet me at the morgue .

  11. 我见过更严重的也许因为我在停尸房工作

    I 've seen much worse , but then I do post-mortems .

  12. 那天我去停尸房工作的时候。

    As I went to work that day at the funeral parlour .

  13. 今早在停尸房我认的尸。

    I identified her BOD this morning at the morgue .

  14. 我们把它和停尸房里的无头女尸进行比对。

    So we ran it against the headless body in the morgue .

  15. 或许我早该在停尸房里找一下。

    Occurred to me to go look in the morgue .

  16. 大概是在去停尸房辨认遗体的路上吧

    Presumably on his way to the morgue to identify her remains ?

  17. 是吗,你说停尸房那个

    Yeah ? You mean the one you put in the morgue ?

  18. 那个可怜的躺在停尸房里的家伙?

    And the poor bastard lying in the morgue ?

  19. 我去过迈阿密的停尸房,第一次去的时候,我感到非常愤慨。

    The first of many visits to Miami 's morgue left me indignant .

  20. 不知道那棺材会运往哪间停尸房。

    Wonder what mortuary that coffin 's going to .

  21. 很少有人会这样说停尸房

    which one can so rarely say of a morgue

  22. 贝利找我就为了停尸房的事?

    Is that why Beller called me in ? Because of the morgue ?

  23. 市政大厅像一间停尸房,灯光幽暗。

    The town hall is like a morgue , with few lights on .

  24. 你有看过停尸房记录吗?

    Did you even check the morgue records ?

  25. 完全有机会接近停尸房。

    Would 've had access to the morgue .

  26. 卢浮宫是一个停尸房,你去那里辨认你的朋友。

    The Louvre is a morgue ; you go there to identify your friends .

  27. 在我的停尸房里他还是出汗。

    He was sweating bullets in my morgue .

  28. 这地方像个停尸房,几个月钱我就应该搬了。

    The place is like a morgue . I should 've moved months ago .

  29. 最难受的是去停尸房。

    Worst part was going to the morgue .

  30. 他说:周五晚上12点时到停尸房来。

    He said : Come down to the morgue at midnight on Friday night .