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  • 网络The Canon of Medicine
  1. 这一发现有助于明确中医脉诊与《医典》中脉诊之间的关系,并为中国和阿拉伯医学交流史提供了新的参考。

    This discovery provides a new reference for the history of medical communication between Arab and Chinese medicine , and elucidates the relationship between the TCM pulse feeling and the sphygmology in Canon of medicine by avicenna , from Arab world .

  2. 成书于公元11世纪初的《医典》,是世界医学史上一部重要的医学经典,长期被欧洲、阿拉伯国家和地区及北非诸国奉为医学指南。

    Written at the beginning of the 11th century , the medical book Avicenna 's Canon of Medicine is one of important medical classics in world medical history . It was regarded as the medical guide in Europe , Arab countries and Northern African countries for a long time .

  3. 方法:以《中华医典》为数据源,以Excel建立数据录入系统,录入中医泄泻病医案,对医案治法中的病位与病性元素进行频数统计分析。

    Methods : " Chinese Medical Classics " as the data source to build Excel data entry system , entry of Diarrhea Diseases Chinese Medical Records , for the medical treatment method in case the disease location and disease frequency of the elements of statistical analysis .

  4. 印度古代医典中的耆婆方我国古代的医疗卫生机构之考察

    J ī vaka 's recipes in Indian ancient medical texts On Ancient Medical Institutions in China

  5. 伊本·西那本人对古希腊哲学有着很深的造诣,从《医典》第一册的主要内容来看,他继承了希波克拉底、盖仑的医学体系。

    The first part of this article mainly discusses the relationship of the sphygmologybetween the two medical Systems , in medical history .

  6. 黄帝的医典表明,即使在古代,人们也能创造出为现代所能受益的科学成果。

    The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor demonstrates that even in ancient times , people accomplished scientific achievements that are applicable , relevant , and innovative even in modern times .

  7. 李时珍精通医术,钻研医典,万里跋涉,采方问药,历时27年写成了举世闻名的中医药著作《本草纲目》。

    He had consummate medical skill and made intensive study of medical classics . After trekking over a long distance to cull medicinal herbs , he wrote the world-famous monumental masterpiece Bencaogangmu ( Compendium of Materia Medica ) after 27 years of hard work .