
  1. 环糊精(CD)耐久纺织品后整理在纺织后整理中具有重要的地位,尤其是在异味控制与弱化、增加穿着舒适性及医用纺织品领域。

    The durable textile finish with cyclodextrin ( s ) ( CD ) is now well established but gets further importance for odor control / minimization and increasing wearing comfort and the applications in medical textiles .

  2. 高分子材料在医用纺织品上的应用与发展

    The Application and Development of High - molecular Materials in Medical Textiles

  3. 普通话水平测试与实际应用医用纺织品的实际应用

    On the Relation Between Putonghua Test and Use in Practice

  4. 以几种新功能纤维为例对医用纺织品的新技术作了介绍。

    Also new medical technology is introduced with some new functional textile as examples .

  5. 方法均已投入了实际试样的配合分析。医用纺织品的实际应用

    The method has been used in conventional analyses . Practical Application of the Medical Textile

  6. 医用纺织品的应用综述

    Reviews of application of medical textiles

  7. 综述了医用纺织品的应用领域,并介绍了有关的新产品。

    This article describes the application of medical textiles and introduces new products in this field .

  8. 影响大豆分离蛋白提取率因素及实际解决方法医用纺织品的实际应用

    The affecting factors of soy protein isolate production and solutions Practical Application of the Medical Textile

  9. 生物医用纺织品的开发及应用

    Development and Application of Biomedical Textiles

  10. 对医用纺织品的类别、材料和性能要求作了简要说明。

    Some aspects of medical textile such as its types , material and performance demand are discussed briefly .

  11. 介绍了一些生物医用纺织品的制备技术、功能及其在三个方面的应用。

    A review on biomedical textiles has been given , with focus on their preparation , function and application .

  12. 创面用敷料是一种重要的医用纺织品,其类别包括非织造布、机织物、针织物和其他特殊种类的结构。

    Wound dressings are an important type of medical textiles which include nonwoven , woven , knitted and other structures .

  13. 计算结果对实际的电网无功调度具有指示作用。医用纺织品的实际应用

    A actual system is used to demonstrate the result accords with the actual situation . Practical Application of the Medical Textile

  14. 医用纺织品的实际应用根据实际数据模拟出了飞机战斗力随作战持续天数及修理天数的变化曲线图。

    Practical Application of the Medical Textile Historical date has been used to develop curves of aircraft sortie generation for various conflict days and repair times .

  15. 介绍了医用纺织品的分类、医用纺织品所使用的新材料及其性能,并指出其替代旧材料的优越性。

    This paper mainly introduces the categories , new materials and the performances of the medical fabric , and points out the advantages of their replacing of the old materials .

  16. 叙述非织造医用纺织品的性能和产品的开发,以及高技术纺织材料在防辐射服、人造器官、手术移植材料和现代仿生技术中的应用与开发前景。

    The paper relates the property and product development of nonwoven medical textiles and the application and developing prospect of high technical textile materials in radiation resistant clothings , artificial organs , surgical grafting materials and modern bionics technology .