
  1. 拥抱是普遍医学常识。

    Hugs are the universal medicine .

  2. 结合传统的差分法和医学常识,使用心音的时域能量包络数据对心音成份进行识别。

    Using the temporal energy data , and connecting traditional difference method with medicinal general knowledge , the thesis makes the recognition for heart sounds .

  3. 结论门诊输液患者施行健康教育,对疾病的预防、治疗及相关医学常识方面收到了良好效果,是医院完善健康教育不可忽视的重要环节。

    Conclusion executing transfusion outpatients health education is a principal part as the hospital perfects its health education , which achieved an expected goal towards disease prevention , treatment , and the correlative medical knowledge .

  4. 增强医学常识的教育,媒体在报道科学信息中所起的作用,和观光医疗的危险——这些都曾在这篇百年的文章中被提到,以至于今天的编辑们只需要稍微调节一下字体就能够像新文章一样来发表。

    The need to improve medical education , the role of the press in reporting science news , and the danger of medical tourism - they were all discussed in this century-old article that today 's editors could have run as-is after modernizing the font .