
  1. 刘维忠则表示,他从来没通过微博给病人看病,也从来没有给特定的医疗产品做过任何推广。

    Liu said he never treats patients over the micro blog and never advertises particular health products .

  2. 一位署名“大侠”的网友质问刘维忠究竟是功夫大师还是卫生厅官员。

    One online writer going by the name " Da Xia " asked whether Liu was a kung fu master or a health official .

  3. 之前,刘维忠还发过一个帖子,称接受癌症手术后吃猪蹄有助于身体恢复,由此他被人们戏称为猪蹄厅长。

    A previous post from Liu that eating pig 's feet can help people recover from cancer surgery earned him the nickname pig feet chief .

  4. 之前,刘维忠还发过一个帖子,称接受癌症手术后吃猪蹄有助于身体恢复,由此他被人们戏称为“猪蹄厅长”。

    A previous post from Liu that eating pig 's feet can help people recover from cancer surgery earned him the nickname " pig feet chief . "

  5. 尽管刘维忠并非中医方面的专业人士,但是一直以来,他都在借助微博来推广传统的健康知识和民间偏方。

    Liu has long been promoting knowledge about traditional health and folk remedies through his micro blog , though he was not a major in traditional Chinese medicine .

  6. 刘维忠回应称,他所说的这个术语源自传统中医,常出现在当代小说家的笔下,跟功夫没啥关系。

    In response , Liu said that the term he used had nothing to do with kung fu , and that the term had been appropriated from traditional Chinese medicine by the writers of popular novels .

  7. 刘维忠在新浪微博上发帖称,通过正确的方式呼吸并引导体内能量,也就是我们说的“气功”,这些医务人员打通了任督二脉。(“任督二脉”是武术中的桥段。)

    In a post on Sina Weibo , Liu Weizhong said that by correctly breathing and directing their body energy , known as qigong , the workers had - to use a martial arts phrase - " opened their governor and conception vessels . "