
  1. 刘勤还热切地带我们参观了英国历史学家奥莱尔·斯坦因(AurelStein)和法国学者保罗·伯希和(PaulPelliot)带走的数千份书籍及手稿所在的地方。

    Mr. Liu was also anxious to take us to the place where Aurel Stein , a British historian , and Paul Pelliot , a French scholar , took thousands of books and manuscripts .

  2. 在第328号石窟,刘勤向我们展示了坐在一个低矮的平台上、由六名侍者围绕的佛陀雕像。

    In Cave No. 328 , Mr. Liu showed us a Buddha set on a low platform surrounded by a half-dozen attendants .

  3. 回到莫高窟,另一名当地导游——敦煌研究院的艺术历史学家刘勤(音)迫切地引领我们参观华尔纳劫走雕像的地方。

    Back at the Mogao Caves , another local guide , Liu Qin , an art historian at the Dunhuang Academy , was eager to show us the spot where Warner ripped out the statue .

  4. 在17号石窟入口处,刘勤指向一个很小而且几乎空荡荡的屋子,斯坦因在那里发现了7000份原稿,其中包括世界上历史最悠久的印刷书籍——公元868年印制的《金刚经》。

    Inside the entrance to Cave No. 17 , Mr. Liu pointed to a small , nearly empty room where Stein found 7000 manuscripts , including one of the world 's oldest printed books , the Diamond Sutra , produced in 868 .