
ē jiāo
  • donkey-hide gelatin;colla corii asini
阿胶 [ē jiāo]
  • [Ejiao donkeyhide glue produced in Dongexian of Shandong province] 中药名。别名驴皮胶。为驴皮加水熬成的胶

阿胶[ē jiāo]
  1. 前言:目的:探讨传统中药阿胶目前炮制研究的现状。

    Objective : To probe into traditional Chinese medicine of donkey-hide gelatin of and study its concoction of the current situation .

  2. 阿胶、山药、玫瑰花、茯苓、甘草、薄荷、干姜等。

    Donkey-Hide Gelatin , Chinese Yam , Roes , Tuckahoe , Licorice , Mint , Dried Ginger , and so on .

  3. 加味黄连阿胶汤对顺铂致肾毒性大鼠TIMP-1表达的影响

    Effects of Modified Huanglian Ejiao Decoction on Expression of TIMP-1 in Cisplatin-induced Nephrotoxicity Rats

  4. 阿胶强骨口服液含药血清对胎鼠成骨细胞护骨素及护骨素配体mRNA表达的影响

    Effects of containing drugs blood serum of donkey - hide glue reinforcing bone oral solution on mRNA expressing of OPG and OPGL in osteoblast in rats

  5. 运用管理会计研究的结构理论和制度理论的框架,对山东东阿阿胶集团公司应用ERP的案例进行了剖析。

    Using the frameworks of structure theory and institution theory in the study of management accounting , this paper analyses an ERP case applied in Shandong Dong'e E-Jiao Group .

  6. 阿胶及其伪品的IFE研究

    IFE Study on Colla Corii Asini and its False Products

  7. 发现阿胶复脉汤可防止内毒素引起的外周血血小板数减少,KPTT及PT时间延长和血浆及血小板MDA含量升高。

    The results demonstrate that the ejiao recovery-pulse decoction could prevent from peripheral platelet dropping , KPTT and TT prolonging and MDA level rising which were caused by endotoxin .

  8. 结论大剂量阿胶在对放疗所致恶性肿瘤外周血PLT减少中有明显的治疗作用,能刺激PLT的再生与恢复。

    Conclusions Big dosage of E-jiao Oral Liquid has a significant curative effect for peripheral thrombocytopenia of malignant tumors after radiotherapy and can stimulate the regeneration and recovery of PLT .

  9. 目的观察醋酸铅染毒对大鼠海马和小脑CFos基因表达及学习记忆功能的影响,同时观察阿胶、天麻的拮抗作用。

    Objective To observe the effect of lead on the expression of c fos mRNA in hippocampus and cerebellum and the ability of learning and memory in rat , and to observe the antagonistic action of Gastrodia elata and E gelatin on the effect mentioned above .

  10. 结果:阿胶在骨愈合早、中期可促进Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型前胶原的mRNA、TGFβ1mRNA的表达,阿胶组的表达高于模型组和正常组;

    Results : E Jiao promoted gene expression of procollagen mRNA type ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ and TGF - β - 1 mRNA in the early and metaphase of bone repair . The expression in the E Jiao group was higher than that of normal group and model group .

  11. 阿胶对骨愈合过程中相关基因表达影响

    Influence of E jiao on related genes expression during bone repair

  12. 蛤粉烫制阿胶的体会

    The Experience about Heat Preparation of Ass-hide Asafetida with Clam Powder

  13. 阿胶铁口服液对小鼠白细胞减少症的影响

    Effect of Donkey-hide glue iron oral solution on leukopenia in mice

  14. 阿胶对血虚证动物模型的作用

    Influence of Colla Corii asini on Animal Model with Blood Weak

  15. 公司目前的主要产品是阿胶、阿胶丁。

    Company 's current main products are Ejiao , Ejiao Ding .

  16. 复方阿胶膏对贫血动物模型的作用

    Effect of Composite Extract of Donkey-hide Gelatin on Anemia Animal Models

  17. 阿胶钙口服液的主要药效学研究

    Effect of Calcium Ejiao Oral Liquid on Osteoporosis in Rat

  18. 结果:复方阿胶膏对贫血动物模型有明显的治疗作用。

    Result : This extract is quite effective in treating anemia animal models .

  19. 阿胶生产工艺中胶原蛋白降解过程研究

    Investigation on degradation process of collagens during manufacturing procedure of E ′ jiao

  20. 复方阿胶补血合剂质量标准的研究

    Studies on Quality Control for Ejiao Buxue Heji

  21. 目的建立当归养血膏中当归、党参、芍药、甘草、地黄、阿胶6味药材的鉴别方法。

    OBJECTIVE To establish the identification methods of6 Chinese medicines in Danggui Yangxue Extracts .

  22. 目的:观察阿胶益寿颗粒对D-半乳糖所致衰老小鼠抗氧化作用的影响。

    Objective : Observing the antioxidation of Ejiayishoujing on aging mice induced by D-galactose .

  23. 分光光度法测定阿胶及冰片中铅的含量。

    The spectrophotometry was developed for determination of lead in donkey-hide gelatin and borneol .

  24. 我听说孕妇怀孕期是不能喝阿胶的!

    I have heard that pregnant women should not drink during pregnancy is the Ejiao !

  25. 运动员每日经血量的测定和中药阿胶膏对运动员经血量的影响

    Determination of Athletes ' Daily Menstrual Blood Loss and the Effect of E ' jiao

  26. 目的:调查杭州地区阿胶的市场现状和消费群认知状况。

    Objective : Making an investigation on the current market and customer cognition of Ejiao .

  27. 阿胶蛋白质定量方法的比较

    Comparison of Protein Assays for Ejiao

  28. 阿胶、龟甲胶中脂溶性成分的高效液相色谱指纹图谱

    Development of high performance liquid chromatographic fingerprints of liposoluble constituents in donkey-hide glue and tortoise-shell glue

  29. 阿胶冲剂与阿胶的化学成分对比分析研究

    Study on the contrast analysis of chemical component for a Jiao Chong Ji and a jiao

  30. 阿胶的凝胶电泳鉴别

    Gel Electrophoresis Distinguishing of Ass-hide Glue