
  1. 如何能够密切关注职位信息,对此陈阳给出了几条建议。

    Chen has some suggestions on how to keep up with job postings .

  2. 原则就是不放走一丁点希望曙光。陈阳表示。

    The rule is to not let one small ray of hope go , Chen said .

  3. 21岁的陈阳(音译)认为,自己是因为老师教得太差而被迫翘掉某些课程。

    Chen Yang , 21 , thinks that he is forced to skip some courses because of the poor teaching .

  4. 陈阳将自己同那些为了睡懒觉或想在校园里闲逛而翘课的人划清界限。

    Chen draws a clear line between himself and those who skip classes in order to get more sleep or fool around on campus .

  5. “在制定完明年财政年度的预算或计划后,一些公司将提供新的工作机会。”来自北京中通智慧资讯谘询有限公司的陈阳表示。

    " After companies complete plans or a budget for the new financial year , they 'll post new openings ," said Chen Yang , of Beijing 's Zhongtong Wisdom Consultancy company .