
  • 网络Chan's
  1. 陈氏太极拳教学的优化改革

    A Preliminary Study on the Reform of Teaching Chen 's Taijiquan

  2. 陈氏太极拳在现代发展过程中的思考

    On the Development of Chen Style Taijiquan in Modern Society

  3. 2006年,陈氏太极拳被列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录;

    In2006 , the Chen 's Tai Chi was enrolled in the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage list .

  4. 1993年受马来西亚陈氏太极拳研究会特邀参加吉兰丹国际交流会,获优胜奖。

    Malaysia in1993 by Chen 's Taijiquan Research invited to participate in the international exchange of Kelantan , by winning awards .

  5. 少林武术、陈氏太极拳等传统武术项目的深厚底蕴为龙狮运动的开展提供先决条件。

    The traditional martial art projects such as taijiquan of Chen , shaolin wushu provide prerequisites for the profundity of the dragon-lion sport .

  6. 对于陈氏太极拳甚至其他派别的武术,在今后世界各地的传播和发展都有积极的借鉴作用。

    Consequently , it will play an active role in its reference function toChen style Tai Chi Chuan and other martial arts ' spread and development worldwide .

  7. 1994年被香港陈家沟太极拳研究会聘为永久教练,多次赴香港传授陈氏太极拳。

    Hong Kong in1994 was hired as the study of Tai Chi Chuan Chenjiagou permanent coach , went to Hong Kong many times to teach Chen Tai Chi Chuan .

  8. 1998年马来西亚陈氏太极拳总会特邀为海外教练,在马来西亚传授太极拳已十年之久,其学生遍及东亚。

    In1998 , Chen Tai Chi Chuan Association of Malaysia invited to coach overseas , in Malaysia , has been teaching tai chi for10 years , its students throughout East Asia .

  9. 陈氏太极拳也已经走出国门,开始在澳大利亚、美国等国家设馆收徒,吸引了大量国外的年轻人。

    The Chinese Chen Style Taiji Boxing , having gone abroad , begins to set up gymnasiums in foreign countries such as Australia and American , recruits students and attracts amounts of the young to learn .

  10. 研究认为:继续保持和发扬不断创新和舍己从人的传统法宝,使陈氏太极拳更加适合现代社会人们的需求,是陈氏太极拳在现代发展中的必由之路;

    The study of the paper shows that it is an unavoidable approach for the modern development of Chen Style Taijiquan that keeping the tradition of adjusting to the people , and becoming more fit to the need of modern people .

  11. 陈涛的太极拳演练充分展现了陈氏太极拳松活弹抖、快慢相间的技术特点,将“神、气、意、力、稳、准、猛、快”表现的淋漓尽致。

    Chen Tao Tai Chi exercise fully demonstrated the live bombs shake of Chen 's Tai-Ji pine , speed and technical features ," God , gas , Italy , strength , stable , accurate , quick , fast " most vividly .

  12. 家庙、谱牒与组织在社会学视野中对陈氏太极拳发源地陈家沟陈氏宗族的一种解析徽州叶姓的源流兼论区域姓氏研究与中华姓氏学、宗族史、谱牒学的关系

    Ancestral Temple , Genealogy and Organization & An Analysis upon Chen Clan in Chen Village by Means of Sociology ; Origin and Development of Family Name of Ye in Huizhou : On Relationship between Regional Family Name Study and Chinese Family Name Study , Family History and Genealogy