
  • 网络Dastan;dustan
  1. 战争胜利,波斯举国庆祝,达斯坦却被暗算,成了谋杀父亲也就是波斯国王的凶手。

    The Persians celebrate their victory , but during the celebration Prince Dastan is held as the perpetrator of his father 's murder .

  2. 达斯坦是一个流浪街头的孤儿。一次,他的一个朋友受到警卫的恐吓,他因鼎力相助表现出“过人的胆识”,被国王沙拉曼收为养子。

    Dastan , a street urchin , is adopted by King Sharaman because he shows " great courage " standing up to guards who threaten one of his orphan friends .

  3. 孤儿达斯坦(杰克·吉伦哈尔饰)在市集上被波斯国王收养入宫,长成了一位勇猛的武士和王子。

    Adopted from the streets by King of Persia , young Dastan ( Jake Gyllenhaal ) grows up amongst royalty and quickly earns his place as a mighty warrior and prince .

  4. 6世纪的波斯,达斯坦王子击败了一个又一个敌人。这感觉就像看着他从一个等级爬升到另一个等级,挑战的难度也随之提升。

    As Dastan defeats one enemy after another in6th century Persia , it feels like we 're watching him climb from one level to the next , with each challenge increasing in difficulty .

  5. 得知圣城阿拉姆特在给敌国偷运武器,达斯坦随两位哥哥出征,奇袭圣城阿拉姆特。

    After a spy sends word that the Holy City of Alamut has been supplying weapons to enemies of Persiam , Dastan and his two brothers order an attack on the sacred city .