
dá biāo
  • Compliance;reach the standard;qualify;up to the standard
达标 [dá biāo]
  • [reach the standard] 达到规定的标准,也特指达到国家体育锻炼标准

达标[dá biāo]
  1. 结果应用3M纸塑包装袋包装灭菌,生物、化学监测均达标,其无菌有效期可达半年以上。

    Results To kill bacteria by using 3M paper plastics package , the biochemical index reach the standard , the sterilization period of validity is above half year .

  2. 开展班组达标,强化基层建设

    Develop team activities to reach the standard and strengthen basic team building

  3. 接受培训的人大约有10%未达标。

    About 10 % of trainees fail to make the grade .

  4. 没有达标的大专院校不会获得教师培训的资格。

    Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training .

  5. 要让他们达标,需要不断努力。

    It 's a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par .

  6. 采样检验的结果表明牛奶中的脂肪含量达标。

    The results of the sample for the test have shown that the quantity of fatty substance in milk is appropriate to the standard .

  7. “Which?”已从亚马逊网站上购买了八种未达标产品的所有存货,这些产品现已停售。

    The eight products which didn 't meet the standards were all purchased by Which ? on Amazon , which has now removed them from sale .

  8. 教育部在媒体声明中表示,已经邀请环保和质检部门利用暑假对各地学校新建的塑胶跑道进行检查,发现不达标的立即拆除。

    In a statement released to the press , Ministry1 of Education said it had invited environmental protection and quality inspection2 authorities to check all newly-built synthetic3 racetracks at schools nationwide during the upcoming summer school break , and immediately remove substandard ones .

  9. 睡眠质量差但运动量达标的人死于癌症或心脏病的风险较低。以各种癌症为例,那些睡眠质量最差、运动量最低的人死于癌症的风险比那些睡眠质量好并坚持运动的人要高出45%。

    In the case of all forms of cancer , for example , those at the unhealthiest end of the sleep and exercise scale had a 45 percent higher risk of dying from cancer than those with good sleep scores who kept physically5 active .

  10. 结果:A、B两组学生的学习成绩达标率有非常显著性差异(p<0.01)。

    Result : There are obvious differences of the learning achievement between group A and B ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 废水再经河水稀释进A/O池生化处理3d后,可达标排放。

    At last , the wastewater treatment is done after 3 days A / O process diluted in biochemical pool .

  12. 稠油废水处理的达标外排,其中处理的关键污染指标为COD(化学需氧量)。

    The key link of treating heavy oil sewage is pollution index-COD attaining standard .

  13. 提高钻井废水COD值达标率的探讨

    A Discussion on Raising the Standard-Achieving Rate of the COD Value of Drilling Waste Water

  14. 化工类废水以其有机物成分复杂、污染浓度高、可生化性差而难以处理,单用好氧工艺通常不能做到达标排放,所以需要厌氧工艺作为预处理改善生化性、降低COD(Cr)。

    Chemical wastewater is very difficult to be treated because of its complex composition , high pollution .

  15. 两组干预前糖尿病知识、自我管理水平、代谢指标达标率,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    And no statistical significance in diabetes knowledge , self-management skills , and success rate of metabolic control .

  16. 所测建筑主体材料中,除了矿渣水泥属于B类产品外,其他均达标,属于A类产品,使用不受限制。

    The main building materials measured , expect the slag cement as the Class B product , was the Class A product which the use of was unrestricted .

  17. 处方他汀类药物治疗个体中LDL达标率的种族差异

    Racial differences in reaching target low-density lipoprotein goal among individuals treated with prescription statin therapy

  18. 但是大多数SBR法工艺过程自动化水平较低,难以保证出水水质达标排放。

    But the automation level of SBR technological process is mostly low , it is difficult to ensure water quality standards .

  19. 本文通过引入动边界技术,完善了POM水动力模型,并在此基础上建立了近海三维水质数学模型,将其应用于南通达标水排海工程的水环境影响预测与评价,取得了满意的效果。

    The improved POM has been successfully applied in water environmental impact assessment of Nantong sewage marine disposal engineering .

  20. 尤其是深度炉膛整体空气分级燃烧可以达到60%~70%的减排效果,可保证燃用烟煤和褐煤机组的NOx达标排放。

    Deep furnace air staging could achieve NOx reduction about 60-70 % from utility boilers when firing bituminous coals , which could satisfy regulation .

  21. CHD组患者LDLc水平的达标率为33%左右。

    The target rate of optimal LDL-C in CHD in Lanzhou was about 33 % , which was higher than that of CHD in America ( 20 % ) .

  22. 采用Fisher聚类法对学生的田径达标成绩进行了综合评价分析,并对Q型聚类的运用方法进行了探讨。

    This essay evaluates and analyses comprehensively the students ' track and field target achievement results using the method of Fisher collection and probes the application way of it .

  23. 本文介绍了采用CASS工艺处理啤酒废水的工程实例,经CASS工艺处理后废水达标排放。

    A practical case to treat wastewater of beer brewing by cyclic activated sludge system ( CASS ) is described .

  24. 利用GIS对空间数据进行处理和分析的功能,建立雨水管网达标规划GIS系统,实现了雨水管网设备的属性数据及空间数据的一体化管理,为城市暴雨积水计算提供可视化分析的手段;

    The spatial data processing and analyzing functions of GIS technology are utilized to establish the GIS system of pipeline network planning for rainfall drainage . It provides the method of visualized analysis on urban retaining water due to rainstorm .

  25. 试验数据表明,废水经PAM混凝沉淀-铁炭微电池预处理和生物膜SBR处理后,可达标排放。

    The results show that the wastewater pretreated by PAM coagulation / precipitation iron carbon micro cell process and then treated by biofilm SBR process can meet the discharge standards .

  26. 对北京市水环境安全有一定影响的是人均GDP,万人具高等学历人数、人均绿地、化肥施用负荷、地下水水质达标率等。

    GDP per person , numeral in possession of advanced degree per ten thousand people , Per capital green areas , burden of fertilizer employed and ratio of groundwater up to water quality standards determinately impact WES .

  27. 采用传统的生化工艺处理难降解的丝绸印染废水,COD和硫化物去除率分别只有50%和45%左右,出水远不能达标排放。

    Abstract The conventional biological process is low effective to treat silk printing and dyeing wastewater which is considered as non-degradable with removals of 50 % and 45 % for COD and S 2 - respectively .

  28. 结果胰岛素泵强化治疗后,Gsp,三餐前、后及睡前血糖在短期内达标,治疗前后糖化血红蛋白具有明显统计学差异,治疗后总胆固醇、甘油三酯较前有明显下降。

    Result after intensification treatment with insulin pump , the blood glucose , HbAlc and Gsp levels of the patients were controlled well within a short time .

  29. 当储罐因保温性能不达标而出现漏热时,会造成储罐内LNG的大量浪费,甚至会造成严重的安全事故。

    When the tank insulation performance fails to meet the standards , heat leakage may occur . It will cause a great waste of LNG in the tank and may even cause security incidents .

  30. 以某校学生达标测试为案例,应用ABC管理法分析了影响大学生达标率因素,建议在体育部门中推广和使用此法

    This paper analyses factors influencing college students ' reaching the standard according to the test in a school with ABC Administration Method , which is proposed by the author to spread and use in P.E. administration