
  • 网络cheer;Cheer Chen;self
  1. 历时八年,陈绮贞终于完成了她的花的姿态三部曲&腐朽、重生、绽放三个主题。

    Through the themes of decay , rebirth and blossom & it has taken more than eight years for Cheer Chen to finish her Trilogy of Flowers .

  2. 历时八年,陈绮贞终于完成了她的“花的姿态三部曲”——“腐朽、重生、绽放”三个主题。

    Through the themes of decay , rebirth and blossom - it has taken more than eight years for Cheer Chen to finish her " Trilogy of Flowers . "

  3. 陈绮贞是个不同寻常的歌手。

    Cheer Chan ( Chen Qizhen ) is an unusual star .

  4. 新专辑中如诗般的歌词渐渐让我想起从前那个陈绮贞。

    Her poetic lyrics gradually took me back to the old Chen .

  5. 我不愿看到陈绮贞变成像周杰伦那样大受欢迎的歌星。

    I don 't want to see Chan become as popular as Jay Chou ( Zhou Jielun ) .

  6. 年近40,陈绮贞当然不能继续将自己局限在谈情说爱里。

    At the age of nearly 40 , Chen certainly can 't limit herself to love and affection anymore .

  7. 抛开这些小瑕疵不说,你不得不承认陈绮贞玩起音乐理念来驾轻就熟。

    Despite these small shortcomings , you have to hand it to Chen for her skillful playing with musical concepts .

  8. 但当我听完专辑里的12首歌之后,除了发现它作为最终乐章稍显含蓄和单薄之外,更多的是感到疑惑:我们所熟悉的那个陈绮贞哪儿去了?

    But after listening to the 12-song album , not only did I find it a little introverted and thin as a finale , my other reaction was : Where is the Cheer Chen that we used to know ?