
chén mǐ
  • old rice;rice stocked for many years
陈米 [chén mǐ]
  • [old rice] 积年的旧米。也叫老米

陈米[chén mǐ]
  1. 这些陈米可能会被用来酿酒。

    The rice harvested before may be used for wine production .

  2. 陈米与低品质米的改良方法

    Improvement methods of old rice and poor - quality rice

  3. 顶空取样法分离陈米臭味物的条件选择

    Condition choice of head-space sampling for the separation of stale rice smell

  4. 没有钱,刘向梅总是买最便宜的被虫蛀过的陈米,她每次都淘很多次,希望丈夫吃不出来。

    No money , Liu Xiangmei always buy the cheapest Chen had been moth-eaten rice , she always scouring many times , I hope her husband does not come out to eat .

  5. 一些工坊用陈米熬制“果糖”,这样做出来的蜂蜜营养价值直线下降,甚至可对消费者身体造成不良影响。

    Producers decocted old rice ( rice that has been kept for years ) to collect the fructose , which worsens the honey 's nutritional value and can even harm people 's health .

  6. 然而近年陈米冒充新米流入市场销售的恶性事件频发,严重影响着我国稻米的正常流通和公众的食品安全。

    However , in recent years , there are some sharpshooters who were posing old rice as the new rice into marketing , this has serious impact on the normal circulation of rice and the public food safety .

  7. 合理开发利用食用品质差的早籼米、陈米及副产物碎米、米渣等可大大提高其产品附加值,并为人类提供优质的营养素,具有较大的社会效益和经济效益。

    Rational development and utilization of early indica rice 、 broken rice 、 rice residue and other industrial by-products with poor quality , which can provide quality for high nutrition , increase added value , gain great social and economic benefits .