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  1. 论陈设陶瓷与室内环境

    Decorative Ceramics and the Interior Environment

  2. 我国有着悠久的陶瓷文化,陈设陶瓷曾经在古代家居中扮演过重要的角色。

    China has a long ceramic culture and display of ancient ceramics in home play an important role .

  3. 陈设陶瓷的设计

    Design of Decorative Ceramics

  4. 陈设陶瓷的设计已经被赋予了一种超越实用或观赏用途以外的象征涵义。

    Furnishings ceramic design has been given a practical or ornamental purposes other than beyond a symbol of meaning .

  5. 陈设陶瓷在我国现代家居中的应用正受到越来越多人的关注,因此陈设陶瓷设计的出发点也逐渐发生了变化。

    The application of ceramics in modern home furnishings is being more and more attention , so the starting point of ceramic design has gradually changed .

  6. 设计师不仅要考虑到陈设陶瓷的外观造型,还需要思考如何赋予陈设陶瓷一种精神属性。

    Designer take into account not only the appearance of ceramics , but also need to consider how to give a spiritual properties of ceramic furnishings .

  7. 随着改革开放后我国社会经济的发展,世界范围内社会文化交流的步伐加快,以及现代陶艺在我国的兴起,陈设陶瓷再度吸引了现代人的目光。

    Since the reform and opening up , the development of the social economy in our country , the accelerated pace of worldwide social and cultural exchanges , the rise of modern ceramics in China , ceramics furnishings attracted attentions of the modern again .

  8. 当然,陈设陶瓷的装饰不仅是物质产品的一种功能属性,更重要的是使用者、生活者作为主体追求的精神属性&一种超越物质之美的自由的、艺术化的精神追求。

    Of course , the display of decorative ceramics products are not only a function of material properties , more importantly , users who live the spirit of the pursuit as the subject of the main property - a freedom beyond the physical beauty , the art of spiritual pursuit .