
kāi piàn
  • Open slice;hacking
开片[kāi piàn]
  1. 在意大利导演爱德华多·温斯皮尔(EdoardoWinspeare)的影片《静谧的幸福》(QuietBliss)的开片部分,一名厌倦了俗世喧嚣的女子带着家人搬去一片橄榄林里居住。

    AT THE START of the Italian film director Edoardo Winspeare 's " Quiet Bliss , " " a world-weary woman moves her family to live in an olive grove .

  2. 加工方法:开片后,单冻,分级包装。

    After cut to fillets , IQF , grade , packing .

  3. 蟹爪纹,形容瓷器开片的主次、走向。

    Crab claw pattern , described as the primary and secondary porcelain pieces open towards .

  4. 对鱼子纹的解析说法不一,一般认为是釉面细小的开片细若鱼子。

    The analytical pattern of roe vary , generally considered to be a small open-glazed thin films , if roe .

  5. 上回写到高佬和霉在街上和两个神秘人物开片。

    Write the high guy and fungis last time to open the slice with two mysterious persons on the street .

  6. 其二是形容瓷器表面开片的长短无序,呈不规则交错尤如蟹爪。

    The second is used to describe porcelain surface , the length of opening film disorder , irregular staggered much like a crab claw .

  7. 器表施满粉青釉,釉层细润,开片密布,四面出戟,颇具神韵。

    The table was filled with pink green glaze , renew the glaze layer , open the slice densely , all around , quite a halberd verve .

  8. 鱼放血、去鳞、去头尾、去内脏、开片、去皮、修整、分选自动生产线;

    Fish Blood Letting , Fish Scaling , Fish De-heading and Tail Cutting , Guts Removing , Filleting , Skin Removing , Organizing and Grading Automatic Production Line ;

  9. 刻痕具有作用,因为刻痕可以被用于辅助掰开片剂,当一个剂量不需要一个完整片剂时。

    This characteristic is useful because the score can be used to facilitate the splitting of the tablet into fractions when less than a full tablet is desired for a dose .

  10. 汝官窑釉料为高铝低硅釉,汝瓷釉色以天青为贵,釉色润泽,开片细密,装饰多为刻、划或模印花卉图案。

    Ru official porcelain glazes for high alumina low-silica glaze , Ru porcelain sky blue best . Ru glaze crystal , fine opening piece , delimit or decorative printing flower pattern .

  11. 打顶时间的早晚和留叶数的多少对中、下部叶片大小影响较小,但影响这些部位叶片的单叶重,对上二棚及顶叶的开片及单叶重都具有深刻的影响;

    The size of middle and lower leaves was effected slightly while the weight per leaf of different stalk position and upper leaf size greatly by topping stage and the remained leaf number .

  12. 同时研制成功了象征象形开片釉,第一次在釉的表面开出像龙似凤如虾的图案。

    At the same time has developed a symbol of pictographic glaze , for the first time in the glaze surface like the dragon like chicken as at the patterns of the shrimp .

  13. 因此用“蟹爪纹”、“鱼鳞纹”、“冰裂纹”来解释汝官釉面的开片都是只抓住了一点而没有顾及其余。

    Hence the " crab claw pattern "," fish-scale pattern "," ice crack " to explain the opening glazed Ru officer to seize a little piece are simply not take into account the rest .

  14. 有机肥无机肥配合提前施基肥,前期盖膜后期及时揭膜对烤烟的开片,产量及品质的提高有一定的积极作用。

    In addition , application of inorganic and organic fertilizers and advanced fertilized base fertilizer , and the treatment that polyethylene mulch was covered early period and uncovered later was more positive for tobacco expanding , output and quality .

  15. 本试验在大量收集鄂西南生态环境资料的基础上,提出鄂西南烤烟产区烤烟开片受海拔施肥等因素的影响。

    The experiment on the basis of collecting massive ecological environment data in southwestern Hubei province , it was proposed that the expanding of flue-cured tobacco was influenced by the factors , such as altitudes , etc. in southwestern Hubei .

  16. 通过在南华县不同有机质含量土壤上饼肥用量试验,结果表明:适量饼肥与复合肥配施,可促进上部烟叶的开片,提高烤烟叶片中磷钾营养;

    The field experiments were carried out at different organic matter contents soils at Nanhua county , the result showed that : Application of suitable cake fertilizer quantities and chemistry fertilizer can promote upper leaves to spread out , enhance P and K nutrition of flue-cured leaves ;