
  • 网络open system architecture;open system architecture osa;Open architecture
  1. 本文主要阐述未来十年国外综合航电系统的总的发展趋向,重点介绍了在开放式系统结构的研究与应用、采用COTS技术、模块化、多传感器综合技术等方面的发展趋向。

    The developing trend of integrated avionics system in foreign countries in future 10 years is presented , with emphasis on such aspects as the research and application of open system architecture , COTS technology , modularization and multi-sensor integration ( MSI ) technology .

  2. 一个面向对象的、开放式系统结构的EMS/DMS支撑环境

    An Object-Oriented , Open System Architecture Based EMS / DMS Supporting Environment

  3. 综合射频传感器的开放式系统结构

    Open Systems Architecture of Avionics Integrated RF Sensors

  4. 开放式系统结构及其标准研究

    A Study on Open Systems Architecture Standards

  5. 综合化射频电子设备的开放式系统结构

    Open System Architecture for Integrated RF Electronics

  6. 开放式系统结构框架设计。

    Open system architecture design .

  7. 从开放式系统结构的概念入手,对综合射频传感器开放式系统结构的特性、构形原理、实现途径、结构实例和未来结构的发展演变等内容进行了研究和探讨。

    Starting with the concept of open systems architecture , this paper studies and discusses some items on integrated RF sensors open systems architecture , including its properties , architectural design considerations , general architecture approach , specific illustration , and architectural evolution etc.

  8. 文中介绍的CC-2000EMS/DMS支撑系统从软件上采用了开放式系统结构、面向对象的技术及事件驱动机制,从而具有良好的支撑应用软件开发能力,并已在多处得到实际应用。

    The CC-2000 EMS / DMS system introduced in this paper uses open system structrue , Object Oriented technology and event drive mechanism in its software , so it has perfect ability of supporting application software , and has been used in many practical applications .

  9. 该系统具有开放式的系统结构,提供有效的人机交互接口,采用PID算法,具有较好的稳定性和较高的精度。

    The system has open systematic structure , offers the effective human-computer interaction interface , adopts PID algorithm , therefore , it has the better stability and higher precision .

  10. 模块化和开放式的系统结构使ECUHILSS性能便于扩展与升级,能适应ECU不断发展变化的需要。

    Modularized and open system structure makes the ECU HILSS adapt to the varying requirements of ECU .

  11. 文中在分析已有模型局限性的基础上,提出了基于Agent的开放式CSCW系统结构模型,并就模型中的Agent结构和模型的开放性和可裁剪性进行了讨论。

    In this paper , an agent-based CSCW architecture model is presented on the basis of the analysis of existing models . Then the agent architecture is detailed and the characteristics of the model is discussed .

  12. 基于网络的开放式数控系统结构模型

    Network-based Open Architecture CNC System Model

  13. 为仪器供应商提供一种开放式通用系统结构平台,构建可缩放的、灵活的、可再用的、可互操作的自动化测试系统。

    The result is a common system architecture that enable the instrument system supplier to build up a scalable , flexibility , reusability and interoperative automatic test system .

  14. 该文在多层次多群组协作模型的基础上给出了开放式的系统结构模型,讨论了基于的开放式系统集成方法,该结构允许用户在系统中加入自己开发的组件。

    In this paper , the system architecture model based on the CSCW model with multi-level and multi-group is presented , which is open and permits users to add their special components to the system .

  15. 开放式的系统结构,不但能提高软件的网络运行速度,还有利于实验项目的拓展,其设计理念与开发思路对构建其他仪器分析虚拟实验室软件具备指导作用。

    Open system architecture not only can improve software network speed , but also help to expand the project easily . Its design philosophy and development ideas have a guiding role for building other instrumental analysis virtual laboratory simulation software .

  16. 基于Agent的开放式协同工作系统结构模型

    Modeling of open CSCW system based on agent

  17. 以PC为基础的开放式数控系统在结构和性能上都存在很大局限性。

    There exists great limitations in architecture and performance on open NC based on PC.

  18. 基于CORBA的软件化开放式数控系统体系结构

    Architecture of open CNC System Based-on CORBA

  19. 首先概述了数控系统的发展现状,介绍了开放式数控系统的结构,在此基础上提出了一套NC嵌入PC型的开放式数控系统,并对其软硬件进行了研究。

    Based on the summary of the situation about NC system development , it presents the architecture of opening NC-embedded PC system .

  20. 为此,武汉华中数控系统有限公司利用基于进程的面向对象Petri网理论对网络环境下的开放式数控系统体系结构进行研究与分析,并在DOS/WIN平台下初步实现了开放式网络化数控系统。

    Huazhong Network Numerical Control System , based on the Object-Oriented Process of Petri Net theory , implemented under the DOS / WIN platform , can support network manufacturing and remote diagnostics .

  21. 利用开放式数控系统的结构分析、设计、实现手段,开发了基于IPC机和WINDOWS操作系统的并行双CPU通信,而且便于用户化开发的全方位的电子横移开放式体系结构。

    According to the analysis , design and implementation of an open-architecture NC system we develop paralleled dual CPU communication mode based on IPC and Windows Operation system that is easy to develop for users .

  22. 介绍了开放式数控系统体系结构的概念。

    The definition of the open CNC system was introduced .

  23. 港口企业两级过程管理开放式管控一体化系统结构

    Structure of two-level process management and open control integration system for harbor enterprises

  24. 一种基于语义网络的开放式超媒体系统结构

    A Semantic Network Based Open Hypermedia System Architecture

  25. 基于组件的开放式地理信息系统结构

    Component - Based Open Architecture of GIS

  26. 介绍了开放式数控系统的结构和特点,并探讨了以开放式结构为目标的线切割图形编程软件的编程思想;

    We introduced the structure and features of Open Modular Architecture WEDM CNC programming system , and a structure of CNC software for WEDM with OMA conception has been presented .

  27. 作者在分析和研究开放式数控系统体系结构的基础上,对四轴电火花数控系统进行了总体规化、系统结构和系统命令的设计研究。

    On the base of analyzing and studying the architecture of open CNC system , the overall plan architecture and system instruction design of four-axis EDM CNC system are carried out .

  28. 从数控技术的发展动向,兼顾经济型和高性能数控系统的不同要求,探讨了一种开放式PC-NC系统的结构,以及其有关的技术问题。

    Based on the developing trend of NC technique , in consideration of different requirements of both economical type and high performance NC system , an open type PC NC system architecture and related techniques are discussed .

  29. 分析了开放式CNC系统的体系结构。

    The following is contained : 1 . Analyses Open CNC system 's system architecture .

  30. 开放式CAPP系统及其体系结构

    An open CAPP system and its architecture