
  1. IT使企业的机遇得到开拓,并使企业的利益最大化。

    IT enables the enterprise so that opportunities are exploited and benefits are maximized .

  2. 以质量为基础,以信誉为保证,以创新求发展,以规模取效益,不断开拓创新,使产品的种类向着多元化、系列化发展。

    By means of quality-based , credit-guaranteed , developing by innovation , benefit-making by scale , we keep pioneering by creativity and make the types of products develop .

  3. 通过网络,中小企业可以快速地获取信息,制定决策,开拓市场,使其可以与大企业站在同一起跑线上公平竞争。

    With Internet , small and middle enterprises can fleetly get information , make decisions , develop market to compete on the same scratch line with big enterprises .

  4. 沿着这一研究方向的不断开拓将可使传统矿床学向精确科学跨越。

    By sustainedly developing and deepening along this direction of investigation , it would be expectable to realize the crossover of the traditional ore geology to the exact sciences .

  5. 倡议雕刻总统石像的是达科他州一位历史学家,其目的是弘扬美国的开拓精神,使其永存。

    country.They were pioneers of U.S.history . The stone statues of presidents were built at the suggestion of an historian in the State of Dakota , with a view to carrying forward the U.S.pioneering spirit everlastingly .

  6. 正是这一代又一代的器乐孩童,成为中国音乐事业中的生力军,他们继往开来,开拓进取,使手风琴教学逐渐走上正规化、科学化的道路。

    It is this generation after generation of children of learning instrumental music that becomes a new force in Chinese music enterprise . They cause the accordion teaching to step onto a standardized and scientific road gradually by inheriting and developing .

  7. 我们要注重教育方式的变革,提高学生对知识创新能力的培养,使学生具有独立获取知识的能力,具有开拓精神,使我们的高等教育培养出千千万万知识经济时代需要的高级人才。

    So our higher education should meet the demand of the times , lay a stress on the reform of education ways cultivate the students in the capa-bility of innovation and obtaining knowledge independently and turn them into senior talents to meet the needs of new knowledge economy times .

  8. 他们通过连接过去与现在,开拓新的领域使柏林电影节规划的视野更加广阔。

    They broaden the Berlinale 's programme by exploring new areas or by linking past and present .

  9. 他曾用了七年时间走访名山大川,结交名士,开拓了眼界,使他的艺术发生了重大转变。

    Then Qi spent seven years traveling the beautiful mountains and rivers of the country and making many friends , which broadened his views and changed his artistic concepts .

  10. 第三,较早的将网络广告引入到新闻网站中来,凭借自身的影响力获得可观的广告收入,同时开拓多种盈利渠道使网站获得了良好的经济效益。

    Third , the early introduction of the online advertising make the news websites gain more advertising revenue , while exploring a variety of profit sources make the sites have a good income .

  11. 作为生产小杂粮主要地区之一的山西省应当积极发展这一产业,开拓国际市场,使这一特殊农产品走向世界,提升其竞争力。

    As one of the main production areas , Shanxi Province should develop this industry actively , exploit the international market , and make this special farm product enter the world , and lift its competitive power .

  12. 只有站在历史的高度,认清形势,遵循规律,因势利导,开拓前进,才能使我国在城市化进程中真正实现民族和谐和社会进步。

    Only through standing at a historical starting point , clearly understanding the situation , following the rules , giving judicious guidance according to circumstances , advancing in a pioneering spirit can we truly achieve national harmony and social progress in the process of urbanization in China .

  13. 最大程度开发IT人才的能力,用以提高生产效率,提高新技术、新产品水平,不断挖掘市场开拓的潜能,使公司始终保持竞争优势,才能确保企业和员工长足发展。

    Ability to maximize the development of IT talents , to improve production efficiency , improve the new technology , new products , mining market potential continuously , the company has always been to maintain a competitive advantage , in order to ensure that enterprises and staff development .