
kāi chuàng
  • start;initiate;found;inaugurate;set up
开创 [kāi chuàng]
  • [start;found;initiate] 创立,开拓创建

开创[kāi chuàng]
  1. 我真的很喜欢那个地区,把它视为开创我管理事业的理想之地。

    I really love the area and see it as an ideal place to start my managerial career

  2. 没问题拿你的mba学位开创公司

    Sure , go get your mba , or start that business

  3. 登陆月球开创了太空探索的新纪元。

    The moon landing inaugurated a new era in space exploration .

  4. 他正在谈论开创全新的事业。

    He 's talking in terms of starting a completely new career .

  5. 这或许会开创一种新时尚呢。

    This could set a new fashion .

  6. 她重振旗鼓去开创自己的事业了。

    She dusted herself down and left to build her own career

  7. 哈瑞福德医院以其开创性的心脏移植手术闻名于世。

    Harefield Hospital has become world-famous for its pioneering heart transplant surgery .

  8. 这次审判能为处理大量类似案例开创重要的先例。

    The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers of similar cases

  9. 伦敦东区的一所学校开创了对违反校规的学生处以罚金的先例。

    An east London school has set a precedent by fining pupils who break the rules .

  10. 她们也许忠诚地支持着自己的丈夫,但她们也在开创自己的事业。

    They may be loyally standing by their men , but they are also carving their own careers

  11. 这个大学开创先例,率先给妇女授予学位。

    The college scored a first by being the 1st to give degrees to women .

  12. 政治家必须有开创精神。

    A statesman must display initiative .

  13. 这家公司开创了使用硅片的方法。

    This company pioneered the use of silicon chip .

  14. 开创这个企业的是他的伯父。

    It was his uncle who inaugurated the enterprise .

  15. 早在17世纪,艾萨克.牛顿就开创性的利用这个光,让凹透镜产生了一个图像。

    A concave mirror creates an image from this light using a design pioneered in the17th century , by Sir Isaac newton .

  16. 古代两国的瓷器贸易不但开创和提升了双边的经济联系,而且为西方世界更多地了解中国打开了一扇窗口。

    The trade for porcelain not only promoted the bilateral economic contact , but also opened a window for the western world to know more about china .

  17. 我们正试图开创这条道路。

    " We 're trying to create that pathway . "

  18. 德国游学者约翰·温克尔曼凭借他对希腊和罗马雕塑的全面研究,开创了艺术史领域。

    The German traveler Johann Winckelmann pioneered the field of art history with his comprehensive study of Greek and Roman sculpture .

  19. 麻省理工大学的唐纳德·萨杜威博士怀揣着改变世界能源前景的愿望开创了他自己的电池公司。

    Dr. Donald Sadoway at MIT started his own battery company with the hope of changing the world 's energy future .

  20. 耶伦是一位明星经济学家,以其在劳动力市场上开创性的工作而闻名,她在次贷危机早期就曾发出警告,堪称是一位预言家。

    A star economist known for her groundbreaking work on labor markets , Yellen was a kind of prophetess early on in the crisis for her warnings about the subprime meltdown .

  21. 毫无疑问,太空飞行会带来风险,而开创一种新的旅行方式就是要面对这些风险,并利用来之不易的经验来减少这些风险。

    There is no doubt that spaceflight entails risks , and to pioneer a new mode of travel is to face those risks , and to reduce them with the benefit of hard-won experience .

  22. 就在他穿梭于19世纪贵族家庭的过程中,卡菜姆开创了法国美食的新艺术。

    As he traveled through the homes of early 19th century nobility , Car ê me forged the new art of French gourmet food .

  23. 我们正在重新认识杜威和蒙台梭利,以及他们开创的那些被遗忘或被搁置边的实践。

    We are rediscovering Dewey and Montessori and a lot of the practices that they pioneered that have been forgotten or at least put aside .

  24. 德比这个说法很有可能来源于1780年第12世德比伯爵在英格兰开创的赛马活动TheDerby。早在1840年时,德比一词就在英语里用作名词来指代任何一种体育比赛。

    The phrase most likely originated from The Derby , a horse race in England , founded by the 12th Earl of Derby in 1780 , since at least as early as 1840 ' derby ' has been used as a noun in English to denote any kind of sporting contest .

  25. 协和飞机开创了空中旅行的新纪元。

    Concord inaugurated a new era in airplane travel .

  26. 医生们用了一种名为光遗传学的开创性技术来试图恢复他的视力。

    Doctors used a pioneering technique called optogenetics to try to restore his vision .

  27. 做为一个开创性历史人物的重要性是不会减弱的。

    The emperor 's importance as a seminal figure of history won 't be diminished .

  28. 努力开创人文交流新局面。中新两国政府要为扩大人民往来创造更多便利条件。

    Open new horizons for cultural and people-to-people exchanges.Governments of the two countries should create conditions to facilitate more people-to-people exchanges .

  29. 10年前,爱尔兰开创了工作场所全面禁烟的潮流,而现在,该国不顾烟草公司的激烈反对,正在努力成为欧盟首个香烟素面包装的国家。

    Ten years after setting a trend with its workplace smoking ban , Ireland is pushing ahead to be the first EU state with plain packaging for cigarettes , despite fierce opposition1 from tobacco companies .

  30. 虽说报纸上开设正规的社论版已经有几百年的历史了,不过现代报纸评论版的鼻祖却在1921年才出现,是由《纽约世界晚报》的赫伯特•贝亚德•斯沃普开创的。

    Although standard editorial pages have been printed by newspapers for many centuries , the direct ancestor to the modern op-ed page was created in 1921 by Herbert Bayard Swope of The New York Evening World .