
  • 网络Post;SELF TEST;Power-on Self-test;Power On Self Test;Power-on self test
  1. 计算机在启动时首先执行的是初始测试POST(开机自检,PowerOnSelfTest),它将测试多个设备,包括处理器、内存、显卡和键盘。

    The first thing a computer does on start-up is a primer test , POST ( Power On Self Test ) . Several devices are tested , including the processor , memory , graphics card , and the keyboard .

  2. 针对MCS-51单片机系统常用软件抗干扰技术进行研究,探讨软件陷阱捕获技术、软件看门狗技术、开机自检技术及指令冗余技术等常用软件抗干扰技术的具体实现。

    In this paper , according to MCS-51 single chip microcomputer system , we have researched its software about anti-interference technique , and have discussed its realization of anti-interference technique , such as software trap , software watchdog , startup auto-check , and instruction redundancy .

  3. 其硬件部分由电源电路、逆变电路、驱动电路以及信号采集电路组成;软件部分主要由初始化模块、开机自检模块、主驱动模块、保护模块和附加模块等构成。

    The software sections are comprised of initialize module , self - detection module , main drive module , protection module and additional module .

  4. HVI棉测仪在实际使用过程中开机时常常无法自检。

    HVI cotton measuring instrument in actual use during the boot are often unable to self-test .