
  • 网络Starting the Search;Start search;Begin Search;Find Now;Search Now
  1. startPosition:在搜索字符串中您希望开始搜索的位置。

    StartPosition : Where in the search string you wish to start search from .

  2. 两名士兵立即开始搜索该建筑物。

    Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises

  3. 单击Finish开始搜索特性。

    Click Finish to start the search for features .

  4. 在更新管理器窗口中,单击Finish,开始搜索新特性。

    Click Finish in the update manager window to begin searching for new features .

  5. 在大部分Unix类系统中,加载器通常在环境变量LDLIBRARYPATH中列出的目录中开始搜索库。

    On most Unix-like systems , the loader 's search for libraries normally begins with any directories listed in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH .

  6. 当选中Runsearchdraganddropautomatically后,那么将一个关键词或短语拖拽到搜索框后,将立即开始搜索。

    When Run search drag and drop automatically is checked , then dropping a term or phrase into the search box will immediately kick off the search .

  7. 要开始搜索一个字符串,可以按/键(斜杠键),再加上希望搜索的字符串,然后按Enter键。

    To start searching for a string , press the / key ( slash key ) followed by the string you want to search for and then press the Enter key .

  8. 字符串中的偏移量:LOCATE函数的第二个参数,指定了字符串中开始搜索的起始位置。

    Offset within a string : The second argument of the LOCATE function , which specifies the starting position within a string to begin the search .

  9. 此多合一检查清单提供了最佳信息,以帮助您开始搜索答案,其中的许多答案也适用于其他WebSphere产品。

    This all-in-one checklist provided optimal information to help you begin your search for answers , and much of it can apply to other WebSphere products as well .

  10. 不过问的人多了,我就开始搜索有没有和SurfacePen的体验差不多、甚至接近传统纸笔书写感觉的iPad专用笔。

    But the inquiries set me on a search to find an iPad stylus that could replicate the experience of the Surface Pen and , by extension , the conventional pencil or pen .

  11. 要开始搜索,请浏览合适的分类或按名称搜索服务、提供者或tmodels。

    To begin searching , browse for an appropriate categorization or search for services , providers , or tmodels by name .

  12. 飞行员已经开始搜索和营救任务,驾驶U2侦察机帮助日本评估灾难的损害。

    Airmen have been flying search and rescue missions and operating Global Hawk drones and U-2 reconnaissance planes to help the Japanese assess damage from the disasters .

  13. 通过同时传入要开始搜索的节点和指定要搜索节点的XPath语句来调用findValue。

    FindValue is called by passing in both a node from which to start the search and an XPath statement that specifies the node you 're searching for .

  14. 指定要在其中开始搜索文件的文件夹。

    Specifies the folder where a file search will start .

  15. 我想我们应该从南面开始搜索。

    I think we should start looking to the south .

  16. 而我是指即刻起我们开始搜索。

    And we start searching schools , and I mean right now .

  17. 要开始搜索,请按照左边窗格中的说明执行。

    To start your search , follow the instructions in the left pane .

  18. 请在搜索框中输入一些字符串以开始搜索。

    Please input some string in the search box to start a search .

  19. 该设置指定从其中开始搜索的基本对象。

    This setting specifies the base object from which to start the search .

  20. 输入第一个文字时即开始搜索。

    Searching begins when you enter the first letter .

  21. 于是,我开始搜索英语电影。

    So I began to search other English films .

  22. 直到我开始搜索记录文件

    until I started searching the log files .

  23. 从一个表示文档根的对象开始搜索。

    You 're starting your searches with an object representing the root of the document .

  24. 在这样的压力下,父亲们开始搜索更大的网络,越来越多地依靠婚恋网站。

    Under such strains , families have sought larger networks , increasingly through matchmaking sites .

  25. 应该更早一些开始搜索的。

    Should have started the search earlier .

  26. 我们从最后一次看见肖的位置开始搜索

    That 's the last place we saw Shaw so that 's where we start .

  27. 现在我们继续从飞机的中层往上层开始搜索。

    Now , we 're going to continue to search this aircraft from the waist upwards .

  28. 至少在下面的一个子段中输入信息,然后单击下一步开始搜索。

    Enter information in at least one field below , and then click Next to start your search .

  29. 现在,您可以看到这些人谁开始搜索您选择的网页上涨。

    You can now see where those people who began their search on the page you selected ended up .

  30. 他叹了口气:“我太累了。我不能再挖了。”然后他开始搜索。

    He sighed . " I 'm too tired . I can 't dig anymore . " Then he spied something .