
yìn zì jī
  • Printer;inker;inkwriter
印字机[yìn zì jī]
  1. 轴承印字机的PLC全自动化控制

    The PLC automatic control for bearing lettering machine tool

  2. 在此基础上提出了一种单CPU高速行式热印字机的最优并发控制方式,并在设计实践中得到了验证。

    Based on that , the optimum parallel control method for high speed , single CPU controlled thermal printers is proposed . In addition , this method is proved in practice .

  3. 研制新型高性能激光印字机控制器具有重要的实际意义和实用价值。

    It is important and valuable to develope new high performance controller .

  4. 硬卷:用印字机印出记录的电脑输出。

    Print-out : A printed record of computer output by a printer .

  5. 激光印字机直接印版的研制及应用

    Development and application of direct plate for laser printer

  6. 激光印字机的汉字信息处理

    The Chinese Characters Processing Used in the Laser Printer

  7. 一种新型快速激光印字机控制器及其应用系统的设计

    A New High & Speed Laser Printer Controller and Its Application System Design

  8. 激光印字机的汉字输出与仿真

    Output of Chinese Characters and Emulation in Laser Printer

  9. 小型激光印字机扩充汉字功能

    Small Laser Printer Expands Chinese Word Function

  10. 激光印字机上的甚高频信号合成器

    VHF Signal Synthesizer for Laser Beam Printer

  11. 点矩阵印字机:用点子依照矩阵形式而造成图文的印字机。

    Matrix printer : Printer that produces images formed from dots that conform to matrix unit .

  12. 在本文中将报告一种新研制的可用激光印字机直接制版的胶印版材的性能及应用。

    In this paper , properties and applications of newly developed direct plate for laser printer is reported .

  13. 莫尔斯或五单位印字机

    Se or five-unit printer

  14. 本文内容即是关于新型高性能激光印字机控制器的设计和实现。

    The content of this paper is about the design and implementation of the new high performance controller .

  15. 本文分析了不同控制方式对行式热印字机输出速度的影响。

    The printing speed of parallel thermal printers , which is affected by different control methods , is analyzed .

  16. 后记码字:特别用后记码编写的一套字体,可应用于后记码兼容的印字机或影排机上。

    Postscript fount : A fount specially written in PostScript code which can be used in a PostScript-compatible printer or image-setter .

  17. 电传打字机:一部设有键盘作输入,印字机作硬卷输出的终端机。

    Teleprinter : A terminal that includes a keyboard for input and a printer for output in the form of hard copy .

  18. 用无线电传送的信息并联传送较串联传送快,是传送往印字机的常用方法。参阅串联传送。

    A message sent by radio . Parallel transmission is faster than serial transmission and is widely used for transmission to printers .

  19. 本文分析了传统激光印字机控制器的缺陷,并提出了采用图形系统处理器的新型控制器。

    This paper analyzes the setbacks of traditional laser printer controller s and proposes a new laser printer controller employing graphics system processor .

  20. 总字体:萤幕显示或稿样印字机用的字体,它代替输出用的高品质字体。

    Generic fount : A fount used in screen display or a proof printer to represent an entire category of higher-quality output founts .

  21. 钢瓶印字机是吸收消化国内外先进丝网印刷机械的基础上经过多次试验,改进研制成功的钢瓶专用印字机。

    Applied the new technics modified and improve from other similar printers , this machine is designed to be a more advanced one ofr LPG cylinder .

  22. 介绍了一种高上墨量,油墨&织物印刷设备:邮袋专用柔性版轮转联合印字机。

    An ink fabric printing equipment with high printing ink quantity , the unit printing letterpress machine by soft relief , is presented in the paper .

  23. 有撞击式印字机如菊花字轮印字机,行印机等,和非撞击式印字机如喷墨印字机,激光印字机等。

    There are impact printers , such as daisy-wheel printers , lineprinter , etc. and non-impact printers such as Ink jet printers , Laser printer , etc.

  24. 本文首先深入分析了热印字机的工作原理,提出在热印字机上可以实现多级灰度输出的设想。

    Firstly , the work principle of the thermal printer is analyzed , and the idea that the multi-level gray output can be realized in thermal printer is proposed .

  25. 本文对多频声光布喇格衍射的原理、效率、交叉调制、互调制、频谱分析等进行理论分析和实验研究,并阐明其在激光高速印字机中的应用。

    Theoretical analysis of and experiments on the fundamentals , efficiency , cross-modulation , inter-modulation and spectrum analysis of multiple-frequency acousto-optic Bragg diffraction are made and its application in laser high-speed printer illustrated .

  26. 分析了彩色图象的半色调算法,包括加网角度的调整、阈值矩阵的选取及网点形状的设计,并在激光印字机上进行了模拟,说明算法是正确的。

    The halftone algorithm of color image , including screen angle adjustment , threshold matrix selection and the shape of screen dot design are discussed in this paper . And the simulation with laser printer proves that the algorithm is correct .

  27. 自动转发的过境电报印字电报机自动换接

    Transit telegram with automatic retransmission