
yìn ōu yǔ
  • Indo European;Indo-European languages
印欧语[yìn ōu yǔ]
  1. 汉语语法模仿印欧语的语法系统,但这种系统并不适合汉语。

    Chinese grammar studies modeled after the grammar models of Indo-European languages , which are not actually applicable to Chinese .

  2. 印欧语性别的进化〉。《认知科学学会第二十四届年会会议公报》(2002)。

    Foundalis , H. " Evolution of gender in Indo-European languages . " Proceedings of the24th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.2002 .

  3. 我们用来形容可能出现的最坏的世界(无论是否与宗教相关)的词来源于原始日耳曼语haljo——“阴间”。“cell”和“hell”还在原印欧语词存在某些关系,意为“覆盖”或“隐藏”。

    Our word for the worst possible place ( religious or not ) comes from Proto-Germanic haljo , " the underworld . " Some relationship also exists between " cell " and " hell " through the Proto-Indo-European word for " to cover " or " conceal9 " — kel .

  4. cell和hell还在原印欧语词存在某些关系,意为覆盖或隐藏。

    Some relationship also exists between cell and hell through the Proto-Indo-European word for to cover or conceal kel .

  5. 专家说那个地区的人使用一种叫做古印欧语的语言。

    Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called Proto-Indo-European .

  6. 汉语和印欧语史前关系的证据之一:基本词汇的对应

    Correspondence of Basic Words in Chinese and Indo-Europeans

  7. 这种变化之所以出现,原因之一是受到印欧语语法的影响。

    One reason why this change occurs is the influence of Indo-European language grammar .

  8. 印欧语以形态和语音的历史演变为谱系分类的依据。

    The genealogical Classification of the Indo-European language is based on the historical evolution of morphology and sound .

  9. 出现在草原上的大规模的马匹饲养中心,是这些中亚和乌克兰部落的,操印欧语的战士们所取得的首要优势。

    Chariots gave dominion to warriors who knew how to tame horses , and since the central Asia , and India .

  10. 在这个发展过程中,印欧语的影响起了一定的作用,但最主要的还是汉语自身按照其内部规律而进行的演变所致。

    During the process of development , which nevertheless , is mainly the result of drift of Chinese itself by its interior laws , influence of Indo-European played a certain role .

  11. 词类,或曰词性,是印欧语传统语法的核心概念,与句子的语法分析密不可分。

    The classification of lexical categories ( also called parts of speech or word classes ) is the center of traditional grammar of Indo-European languages and closely related to the grammatical analysis of sentences .

  12. 汉语字本位理论是由我国学者首创,旨在克月艮汉语研究中的印欧语眼光,解决由此产生的系列问题的一种学说。

    The Zi-centered theory is a linguistic school which was initiated by the Chinese researchers and aims at the solution of series of problems caused by " the westernized view-points " in Chinese linguistic studies .

  13. 据我们所知,其中最古老的语言是印欧语系。远在石器时代人们就开始使用印欧语了。

    The oldest of these , as far as we know , was the Indo-European family of languages , which were beginning to be spoken clear back during the Stone Age .