- Indo European;Indo-European languages

Chinese grammar studies modeled after the grammar models of Indo-European languages , which are not actually applicable to Chinese .
Foundalis , H. " Evolution of gender in Indo-European languages . " Proceedings of the24th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.2002 .
Our word for the worst possible place ( religious or not ) comes from Proto-Germanic haljo , " the underworld . " Some relationship also exists between " cell " and " hell " through the Proto-Indo-European word for " to cover " or " conceal9 " — kel .
Some relationship also exists between cell and hell through the Proto-Indo-European word for to cover or conceal kel .
Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called Proto-Indo-European .
Correspondence of Basic Words in Chinese and Indo-Europeans
One reason why this change occurs is the influence of Indo-European language grammar .
The genealogical Classification of the Indo-European language is based on the historical evolution of morphology and sound .
Chariots gave dominion to warriors who knew how to tame horses , and since the central Asia , and India .
During the process of development , which nevertheless , is mainly the result of drift of Chinese itself by its interior laws , influence of Indo-European played a certain role .
The classification of lexical categories ( also called parts of speech or word classes ) is the center of traditional grammar of Indo-European languages and closely related to the grammatical analysis of sentences .
The Zi-centered theory is a linguistic school which was initiated by the Chinese researchers and aims at the solution of series of problems caused by " the westernized view-points " in Chinese linguistic studies .
The oldest of these , as far as we know , was the Indo-European family of languages , which were beginning to be spoken clear back during the Stone Age .