
  • 网络Serbian
  1. 但塞语源自斯拉夫语

    But the language has a Slavic root .

  2. 腭裂语音的塞擦音语图模式研究

    The spectre - mode features of affrication in speech disorder children with cleft palate

  3. 结果:腭裂患者的不送气塞擦音语图模式上无塞音特征,只有擦音特征,其强频区位置下移。

    Results No obvious plosive features were observed in patients with cleft palate in speaking but only fricative feature was found .

  4. 作为俄国官方语言的塞而维克语。

    The Slavic language that is the official language of Russia .

  5. 9世纪翻译《圣经》所用的塞而维克语。

    The Slavic language into which the Bible was translated in the9th century .

  6. 现代马其顿的塞而维克语。

    The Slavic language of modern Macedonia .

  7. 保加利亚人说的塞而维克语。

    A Slavic language spoken in Bulgaria .

  8. 添加显示中欧语、塞瑞利克语、希腊语、土耳其语和波罗的海语网页所需的字符集。

    Adds the character sets needed to display Central European , Cyrillic , Greek , Turkish and Baltic Language Web pages .

  9. 塞尔维亚和克罗地亚人说的塞而维克语;塞尔维亚方言通常使用西里尔字符而克罗地亚方言通常使用罗马字符。

    The Slavic language of the Serbs and croats ; the Serbian dialect is usually written in the Cyrillic alphabet and the Croatian dialect is usually written in the Roman alphabet .

  10. 一个叫崔毁的人,捕梦网里塞着各种流行语

    someone named Traivor , a dreamcatcher with buzzwords stuck in it .