
  • 网络cenarius
  1. 玛法里奥将他的想法告诉了同样担忧的塞纳留斯。

    Malfurion brought his concerns to Cenarius , who was greatly worried .

  2. 从林守护者是半神塞纳留斯的儿子们。

    The enchanted Keepers are the favored sons of the demigod Cenarius .

  3. 塞纳留斯同意在迦洛德指挥下作战。

    The demigods had agreed to fight under Jarod 's direction .

  4. 塞纳留斯便知道只有玛法里奥才会成为德鲁伊。

    Cenarius knew that Malfurion alone would go on to become a druid .

  5. 暗夜精灵们声称半人马是半神塞纳留斯的私生子。

    Night elves claim that centaur are the bastard children of the demigod Cenarius .

  6. 塞纳留斯从灌木丛的阴影处走出时,正在开心交谈的三人被震慑住并且沉默了。

    The laughing trio was shocked into silence when Cenarius stepped out of a shadowed thicket .

  7. 由于塞纳留斯的诞生,翡翠梦境产生了一阵波动,伊瑟拉马上就注意到了他。

    When Cenarius'birth sent a ripple through the Emerald Dream , Ysera took an immediate interest in him .

  8. 修正了一个使奥术飞弹不能出发塞纳留斯之怒的错误。

    Fixed a bug that prevented Arcane Missiles from being able to trigger the effect of Wrath of cenarius .

  9. 塞纳留斯:是谁胆敢玷污这片陈旧的地盘?是谁胆敢触怒塞纳留斯和暗夜精灵?

    Cenarius : Who dares defile this ancient land ? Who dares the wrath of Cenarius and the night elves ?

  10. 面临着危机的展开,塞纳留斯教给玛法里奥所有他能做的事,然后开始搜寻艾泽拉斯大陆上的其他半神。

    As the crisis unfolded , Cenarius taught Malfurion all he could and then sought out the other demigods of Azeroth .

  11. 塞纳留斯和暗夜精灵们由于不知道外面卡利姆多大陆发生的事情,他们并没有从引退中走出并加以干预此事。

    Yet Cenarius and the night elves did not emerge from their seclusion , for they knew nothing of any events that occurred outside Kalimdor .

  12. 在泰兰德的帮助下,伊利丹控制住了自己,并帮助兄弟找到了隐居的半神塞纳留斯。

    However , with Tyrande 's patient support , he was able to restrain himself and help his brother find the reclusive demigod , Cenarius .

  13. 在暗夜精灵沉迷于奥术魔法并且导致大灾变的数千年之前,玛法里奥·怒风听闻了几个关于神秘的塞纳留斯的传说。

    Millennia before the night elves'interest in arcane magic led to the Great Sundering , Malfurion Stormrage came across several legends that referenced the mysterious Cenarius .

  14. 从那之后,塞纳留斯就一直隐居在这世界的荒野里并且躲避着大多数感觉灵敏的种族,直到他们开始怀疑他是否真实存在。

    From that point forward , Cenarius retreated into the wilds of the world and avoided most sentient races until they came to doubt his very existence .

  15. 军团没有忘记塞纳留斯在上古之战中表现出来的勇猛和力量,他们一定要击败他。

    The Legion had not forgotten the valor and might that Cenarius displayed during the War of the Ancients , and they were determined to see him defeated .

  16. 实际上,她和塞纳留斯之间深厚的默契让很多艾泽拉斯大陆上的早期种族都误认为他们是母子。

    In fact , the affectionate understanding that she and Cenarius shared has led many of Azeroth 's elder races to mistake the pair for mother and son .

  17. 随着继续依据半神指导的暗夜精灵人数逐渐的减少,塞纳留斯伤心的意识到他所有的努力已经化为泡影。

    The number of night elves pursuing their studies with the demigod dwindled , and Cenarius was grieved to realize that all his work had been for naught .

  18. 距今最近的一次悲剧,就是在第三次的战争中,塞纳留斯被感染了恶魔之血的凡间种族&格罗姆·地狱咆哮所带领的兽人氏族杀害。

    In a far more recent tragedy , Cenarius was killed during the Third War by mortals under the influence of demon blood : a group of orcs led by Grom Hellscream .

  19. 角鹰兽和暗夜精灵结成了同盟,因为暗夜精灵族的神塞纳留斯是大自然和所有生物的保护神。

    The intelligent Hippogryphs have given their allegiance to the Night Elves in honor of Cenarius , the Night Elves'god , who stands as the protector of nature and all its creatures .

  20. 在暗夜精灵的传说中,阿莱克斯塔萨与半神塞纳留斯是非常亲密的朋友,在燃烧军团第一次入侵的过程中,正是塞纳留斯召唤她参战的。

    Rumors among the night elves suggest Alexstrasza and the demigod Cenarius were close friends , and that it was he that called her during the first invasion of the Burning Legion .

  21. 这3个暗夜精灵决定寻找塞纳留斯必然是一场刺激的冒险,尽管实际上他们并不比他们其他的族人更相信这个半神。

    The three night elves decided that it would be an exciting adventure to search for Cenarius , though in truth they no more believed in the demigod than the rest of their people did .