
  • 网络The Emerald Dream
  1. 下一个WOW资料片是否会加入翡翠梦境、大漩涡、库尔提拉斯或者是其它我们已经提到过(了解到)的地方?

    Next WoW expansion * Emerald Dream or will we bridge the gap to the continents and enter the Maelstrom , Jul Tiras , and all those other goody parts we 've yet to see ?

  2. 这会是翡翠梦境的惊鸿一瞥吗?

    Is this a glimpse into the Emerald Dream ?

  3. 啊我刚跨进翡翠梦境,就又得起来方便。

    Man , I was halfway through the emerald dream when I had to pee .

  4. 由于塞纳留斯的诞生,翡翠梦境产生了一阵波动,伊瑟拉马上就注意到了他。

    When Cenarius'birth sent a ripple through the Emerald Dream , Ysera took an immediate interest in him .

  5. 在第三次大战结束前,德鲁伊经常去翡翠梦境去观察艾泽拉斯大陆上生命的潮汐和流向。

    Until the end of the Third War , druids periodically visited the Emerald Dream to monitor the ebb and flow of life on Azeroth .

  6. 尽管她没能治好克拉苏斯的疾病,但是她很快要和克拉苏斯一齐努力,来帮助她的朋友,最近陷入翡翠梦境的玛法里奥·怒风。

    Although she could not heal Krasus of his malady , she was soon working with him to help her friend , Malfurion Stormrage , who had recently fallen comatose .

  7. 但是在他能有机会再次使用恶魔之魂之前,玛法里奥·怒风从翡翠梦境潜入了死亡之翼的巢穴并偷走了恶魔之魂。

    But before he got a chance to use the Demon Soul again , Malfurion Stormrage snuck into Deathwing 's lair through the Emerald Dream and stole the Demon Soul .