
fěi cuì sè
  • emerald;jade
  1. 不一会儿,我的培养皿里就堆起了一坨带着古怪光泽的翡翠色软泥。

    An emerald ooze , weirdly luminous , filled my dish .

  2. 维多利亚表示,这个系列的灵感来自于连环漫画《至尊神探》(DickTracy),它运用了明亮的色彩,比如该系列中的宝蓝色绉纱露肩拖地长裙以及翡翠色弹力修身褶底连衣裙。

    The collection , she said , drew inspiration from'Dick Tracy'comic strips , and featured bright colors like a sapphire-blue crepe column corset dress , and an emerald stretch felt drape front frock .

  3. 像石狮子吐出裂痕斑驳,沾满涎水的翡翠色石珠。

    As if a stone lion shot out a fissured emerald bead covered with saliva .

  4. 最终,我冲出了森林里翡翠色的藩篱,重新看见了布满岩礁的海岸。

    Eventually I broke through the emerald confines of the forest and found the rocky shore again .

  5. 女士们先生们有请我们的特别来宾他是翡翠色的航海达人

    Ladies and gentlemen , we have a very special guest for you ! He 's a green marine sailing machine .

  6. 几个小时以后,渗入森林里的来自树庐穹顶的阳光开始发生了改变,由阴郁的黄绿色调变为一种更为明亮的翡翠色。

    After several hours , the light that filtered through the canopy transformed , the murky olive tone shifting to a brighter jade .

  7. 它的嘴是黄色,脚爪和指甲是褐色,翼是臻子色,翼端是朱红色,头上和颈后是淡黄色,喉间是翡翠色,腹部和胸部是栗子色,因此,它看来像是十分华丽的各种色彩的综合。

    But it offered a wonderful mixture of hues : a yellow beak , brown feet and claws , hazel wings with purple tips , pale yellow head and scruff of the neck , emerald throat , the belly and chest maroon to brown .

  8. 姐姐两手撑地坐起来,把柳枝上的嫩芽一个个小心摘下,放进一个盛着清水的瓦盆里,然后两只手就在盆里不停地揉捏,不一会儿,清凌凌的水就给染上了浓重的翡翠色。

    Sister propped herself up with both hands . She carefully stripped all the buds off the willow twigs and put them in an earthen pot filled with clean water . Then she kept squashing and rubbing them between her fingers ; soon the water was dyed a thick emerald green .

  9. Ti3+中的d-d电子跃迁是紫色翡翠呈色的主要原因。

    D-d electron transition in Ti 3 + is considered to be the main cause of purple jadite coloration .

  10. 绿色翡翠致色因素探讨

    Study on coloring factor of green jades

  11. 紫色翡翠呈色机制探讨

    The coloring mechanisms of purple Jadeite

  12. 鉴于紫色翡翠呈色机制复杂,至今在矿物学界、珠宝学界尚无统一认识,通过使用三件紫色系列翡翠样品作电子探针、透射光谱及吸收光谱分析,并进行了相关讨论。

    There has been no consistent understanding of the coloration mechanism of purple jadeite in mineral and jewelry circle till now due to its complexity .

  13. 红宝石、蓝宝石、翡翠的呈色是过渡金属离子(如铬、铁、钛等)d-d电子跃迁和电荷转移跃迁等因素共同作用的结果。

    The colorations of ruby , sapphire , and emerald result from the d-d electron transition and charge transfer transition of transition metal ions such as chromium , iron , titanium etc.

  14. 翡翠的呈色是铁、铬、钒等过渡金属离子共同作用的结果。

    The coloration of emerald results from the effect of transition metal ions such as iron , chromium and vanadium etc.