
liú yán
  • leave a message;leave word;words written at departure;leave one's comments;leave one comments
留言 [liú yán]
  • [leave one comments;leave word; leave a message] 离去时写下的书面语言

  • 留言薄

留言[liú yán]
  1. 她走之前留言了吗?

    Did she leave a message before she went ?

  2. 您可以在我们的答录机上留言。

    You can leave a message on our answering machine

  3. 我的语音信箱里有她含混不清的留言。

    There was a garbled message from her on my voicemail .

  4. 旅馆里没有给我的留言。

    There were no messages for me at the hotel .

  5. 有人用胶带把一张留言条贴在了门上。

    Someone had taped a message on the door .

  6. 我在留言板上贴出了一个问题。

    I posted a question on the message board .

  7. 我把你的留言转给我妈了。

    I passed your message on to my mother .

  8. 我在你的电话应答机上留言了。

    I left a message on your answering machine .

  9. 我整天都在设法跟你联系,难道你就没有听一下电话留言?

    I 've been trying to get you all day ─ don 't you ever listen to your messages ?

  10. 在留言板上留言请点击这里。

    Have your say on our message board by clicking here .

  11. 她给他留言说希望跟他在一起。

    She messaged him saying she wished they were together .

  12. 我收到一条留言,说你想跟我联系。

    I got a message you were trying to reach me

  13. 沃丁顿把录音带倒回去,把留言又放了一遍。

    Waddington rewound the tape and played the message again

  14. 他买了一台能在别人打来电话占线时播放他录音留言的电话答录机。

    He bought an answering machine that plays back his messages when he calls

  15. 您要留言吗?

    Would you like to leave a message ?

  16. 有了一条留言,这表示有人已先于她到了这儿。

    There was a message waiting , denoting that someone had been here ahead of her .

  17. 虽然可能性极小,但如果有人打来电话,你能不能随手把留言记下来?

    In the unlikely event of anybody phoning , could you just scribble a message down ?

  18. 她没有回复他的留言。

    She didn 't reply to his message .

  19. 有人给我留言吗?

    Has anyone left a message for me ?

  20. 据说泰勒可以学习她所接收到的留言。

    Taylor was supposed to be able to learn from the messages she received .

  21. 当她开始为希特勒说好话时,微软公司将她关闭,并删除了最丑恶的留言。

    When she started saying nice things about Hitler , Microsoft turned her off and deleted her ugliest messages .

  22. 大多数时候,伯德的留言毫无意义。

    Most of the time , Byrd 's messages made no sense .

  23. 她打破了最古老的瓶中留言的记录。

    She broke the record for the oldest message in a bottle .

  24. 亲爱的劳拉,谢谢你的留言。

    Dear Laura , Thanks for your message .

  25. 如果找不到他们,请告知他们在哪里,然后留言。

    If they are unavailable , explain where they are , and then take a message .

  26. 看下我的频道!CheckOutMyChannel!你经常会看到人们在视频上留言要求其他人逛下他们的频道。

    You 'll often see people leave comments on videos asking others to check out their channel .

  27. Sadie对Ian留言:我太爱你了,我爱死你了!!!

    Sadie : I love you SO MUCH ahhhhhhh Im gonna die from how much I love you ! ! !

  28. 一个客人问我,应该是那种做清洁用的金属丝,是什么,我是外行我公司没有,厂家请留言报个价吧。谢谢了。

    Above wires will be used for making Scourer to clean utensils .

  29. 我们对着这条电报式的愚蠢的留言发泄了一通不满。

    We commented adversely upon the imbecility of that message of telegraphic style .

  30. 老人的留言非常简短,航天局官员问老人的儿子可否告诉他们老人说了什么,但他拒绝了。

    to get a tape recorder . The Navajo elder 's comments were brief . The NASA official asked the son if he would translate what his father had said . But he refused .