
  • 网络light bar;LED light bar;strip light;LED strip light
  1. 全高型的灯条能够显示出过境中被检测的带金属群众的垂直位置,并迅速出来结果。

    A full-height light bar displays the vertical location of the detected metal masses in transit , providing rapid results .

  2. 所有灯条都打开了,满屋都是旋转的光柱。

    All the light bars were turned on which filled the room with these rotating beams of light

  3. CPLighting设计的newGROWTH系列:“户外路灯将防水LED灯条置于铝合金支架内。虽然发生的几率很小,但万一发生脱落现象,简单地将LED取出更换即可”

    newGROWTH by CP Lighting . " The outdoor post and path lamps make use of a waterproof LED strip that is fit within an aluminum housing in our fixtures , in the unlikely event that it fails , the LED strip can simply be pulled out and replaced . "

  4. 我沉住气,等了好久,既然没听到他躺下,就决定将灯掀开条小缝,极小,极小的一道缝。

    His fears had been ever since growing upon him . When I had waited a long time , without hearing him lie down , I decided to open a little -- a very , very little -- crack in the lantern . So I opened it .

  5. PCR产物在2%的琼脂糖凝胶上电泳。紫外灯下观察目的条带。

    PCR products were detected on the 2 % agarose gel electrophoresis , observe the strap under UV lamps .

  6. 交通灯控制的黄条过路处

    Yellow striped light signal crossing

  7. 鸿渐推开房门,里面电灯灭了,只有走廊里的灯射进来一条光。

    There was no light in the room when Hung-chien pushed open the door , only a beam of light from the corridor shining into the room .

  8. Vahakn设计的折叠木灯:“超薄的LED灯条可以让我用1毫米厚的木板设计出既结实、又美观多样的灯具。”

    Folded Wood Lamps from Vahakn . " The super thin nature of the LED tape itself allows me to use 1mm thin wood to create strong yet flexible and delicate forms " CSYS LED task light from Jake Dyson .

  9. 这种新的交通信号灯由一组安装在路面上的LED灯条构成。政府人员认为这样能警告那些盯着手机不抬头的“僵尸”们注意安全。

    The new traffic light consists of a led lighting strip in the pavement which officials hope will alert ' zombies ' who are looking at the road not at traffic .