
  • 网络Street parking;roadside parking;Road Side Parking;parallel parking
  1. 根据具体路段受干扰的程度,为是否允许路边停车提供决策依据;

    Making ground as for whether or not roadside parking should be permitted , according to the degree of disturbance .

  2. 接着分析了制约路边停车的道路条件、交通条件、路外停车设施、交通管理水平等制约因素。

    The factors of the roadside parking such as road condition , traffic flow , plot facility and management control are analyzed .

  3. 靠路边停车。

    Park on the side of the road .

  4. “道路瘦身”是指道路上可用车道数量减少,通常是将现有的一个或多条车道变成转弯车道、自行车道或路边停车道。

    Road diet refers to a reduction in the number of travel lanes available on a road , usually by converting1 one or more existing travel lanes into turn lanes , bike lanes , or street parking .

  5. 城市道路路边停车设置方法研究

    Study on set method of curb parking of the urban road

  6. 在拥挤的城市,路边停车是很重要的。

    It is important to parallel park in the crowded city .

  7. 城市中心区路边停车管理问题探讨

    Exploration into the Problem of Curb Parking in City Center

  8. 企业管理模式下的中国城市路边停车定价方法与应用研究

    Study of curb parking pricing of corporation management-mode in China

  9. 基于广义费用最小的城市路边停车规划模型

    Urban road - side parking planning model based on minimum generalized cost

  10. 信号控制交叉口单侧路边停车最佳位置研究

    Optimal Distance between One-Side Curbside Parking Location and Signalized Intersection

  11. 恒定磁时静态稳定极限规定时限的路边停车

    Steady state stability limit with constant flux Restricted curb parking

  12. 路边停车是解决停车场(库)不足的一条有效出路。

    Side parking is an available measure solving lack of parking place .

  13. 没有明显的限制或边界。规定时限的路边停车

    Having no apparent limits or bounds . Restricted curb parking

  14. 关于路边停车规划的几个问题

    Study on the Planning of On - side Parking

  15. 路边停车带设置对混合车流速度影响分析

    The Analysis on Speed of Mixed Traffic Flow With The Curb Parking Lots

  16. 路边停车对路段交通流的影响研究

    Study on Road Traffic Delay Caused by Roadside Parking

  17. 以期论文的研究成果对路边停车的实施性规划具有实用意义。

    Expect the result of study has important value to practical curb parking planning .

  18. 苏州市观前地区路边停车收费费率分析

    An Analysis of the Toll Rate of Curb Parking in Guanqian District of Suzhou

  19. 放慢速度然后靠路边停车。

    Slow down and then pull over .

  20. 信号交叉口影响区路边停车的交通流延误模型

    Road traffic delay caused by curb parking set in the influenced area of signalized intersection

  21. 当有睡意的征兆时,马上在路边停车并喝杯咖啡。

    At the first sign of drowsiness , pull over immediately and drink a cup of coffee .

  22. 目前,我国大多数路边停车仍采用人工收费和咪表收费。

    Currently , the majority of curb parking fees in our country are still using manual work and meter .

  23. 通过研究分析,将路面停车问题定义为对路边停车车辆的研究。

    By the research and analysis , road-by parking problem is a research about vehicles parking in the roadside .

  24. 双行停车将车停于另一辆停靠人行道边的车辆旁放慢速度然后靠路边停车。

    To park alongside another vehicle already parked parallel to the curb . Slow down and then pull over .

  25. 第一种类型-Layby.路边停车.就是那种对方已经和你谈恋爱,但是已经在想着分手.要是被这种人追求,你可就要当心了,因为他很有可能同时追求很多人。

    The first type - - LAYBY . Layby ' refers to someone who is in a relationship but looking to get out .

  26. 路边停车收费系统已经成为现代化城市中缓解停车位压力的所普遍采用的应用方案。

    Roadside parking system has already been the effective method to remit the pressure of the lacking of parking position in modern cities .

  27. 而路边停车作为路外停车场的一个重要补充,以其独有的灵活性逐渐成为停车系统中的一个重要部分。

    However , as a important supplement to off-street parking lots , curb parking has gradually become an important part of the parking system because of its unique flexibility .

  28. 首先探讨了路边停车地位与作用,认为:路边停车是停车系统中不可或缺的一部分,但只能作为路外停车的补充和配合,要依据不同的城市、区位特征来确定路边停车的地位与作用。

    The function of the roadside parking , usually a complementary part of the off road parking but it varies between cities and locations , was discussed in this paper .

  29. 结合实际交通现状可以得出,街道峡谷内的路边停车将使路侧的出行者暴露在更高浓度的污染物中,对人体健康造成更严重的危害。

    According to the simulation results , we can see that roadside parking in the street canyons will cause more serious harm to the travelers who exposed higher concentrations of pollutants .

  30. 研究发现路边停车会对街道峡谷内靠近地面处的气流造成阻碍,致使该处的污染物浓度比没有机动车停放时有所增加。

    The results found that roadside parking will obstruct the air flow which is closer to the ground , resulting in an increase in pollutant concentrations compared with no vehicle parking there .