
lù biāo
  • road sign;signpost;guidepost;route marker;route sign;route marking
路标 [lù biāo]
  • (1) [road sign]∶指示道路情况的标志

  • (2) [guidepost; route marker]∶为旅行人指路的装有指路牌的柱子(如设置在道路的分岔口者)

路标[lù biāo]
  1. 至少有一个可信的路标作为参照:从谷歌(Google)的错误中吸取教训。

    At least there is one reliable guidepost to follow : learn from Google 's mistakes .

  2. 面向业务的这种由外向内的视角可以成为普及SOA采用和转变小型企业使用计算机技术的路标。

    This outside-in view of business-oriented service could become the guidepost for pervasive SOA adoption and transform how small businesses use computer technology .

  3. 两条小路的相交处有一路标。

    There was a signpost where the two paths converged .

  4. 走左边的第一条路,然后循着路标走。

    Take the first road on the left and then follow the signs .

  5. 看到箭头路标就向右转。

    Turn right where you see a waymark arrow .

  6. 跟着路标走就能到超市。

    Follow the signposts to the superstore .

  7. 路标直指前方。

    The signpost pointed straight ahead .

  8. 临时支路都将设置路标。

    Diversions will be signposted .

  9. V形或箭头路标表示有向左或向右的急转弯。

    The chevron or arrow road sign indicates a sharp bend to the left or right .

  10. 入口处在马伯里路,有清晰的路标。

    The entrance is well signposted and is in Marbury Road .

  11. 一些威尔士激进分子已经开始涂盖英语路标。

    Some Welsh activists have started blacking out English language road signs .

  12. 车灯照亮了路标。

    The lights of the car lit up a signpost

  13. 温斯顿怎么也学不会看路标。

    Winston could not have read the road signs to save his life .

  14. 在路标处拐弯去往阿特尔桥。

    Turn off at the signpost for Attlebridge .

  15. 他们正在悬挂新的路标。

    They 're putting new street signs up

  16. 警察用锥形路标把部分路面分隔开来。

    The police have sectioned off part of the road with traffic cones .

  17. 路标将来往车辆引向绕行的路。

    Signs directed traffic to a detour .

  18. 这个路标把司机弄糊涂了。

    The road signs confused the driver .

  19. 我经常告诉妈妈开得慢一点,这样我就能看清我们经过的所有路标。

    I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly , so that I could read all of the road signs we passed .

  20. 你未来的路标

    Road signs for your future

  21. Nakedstreet(裸街)指没有任何交通标识、路标或者信号灯的街道。

    Naked street refers to a street that has no signs , road markings , or traffic lights .

  22. 形或箭头路标表示有向左或向右的急转弯。

    The chevron or arrow road sign indicates a sharp bend to the left or right . V

  23. C5石油树脂改性及其在路标漆中的应用

    Modification and Application in Road Marking Paint of C_5 Petroleum Resin

  24. 基于C空间分解&路标法的机械手路径规划

    Path planning for a manipulator based on the decomposition of C space and the roadmap method

  25. 路标:XML还是标签库?

    Roadmap : XML or tag libraries ?

  26. 比如,这里有一个“light”路标,帮助组织查找对已有开发影响最小的过程。

    For instance , there is a " light " roadmap for organizations looking for a minimal impact on their existing developmental processes .

  27. 基于SVM的移动机器人路标识别算法

    SVM-Based Algorithm for Waymark Recognition of Mobile Robots

  28. 一个个案研究练习实验室,资产,框架,指南,以及路标(目前移往IBMRationalAssetManager)

    A practice library of case studies , assets , frameworks , guidance , and roadmaps ( currently migrating to IBM Rational Asset Manager )

  29. 一名当地的女老板对那些偷走她路标的人感到很气愤,在路标上多加一个字母g,希望以此来消除小偷的恶念。

    One local business woman , exasperated with people stealing her sign has taken to adding another g in the hope it will deter thieves .

  30. 对于用RUP进行的通用设计的路标

    Roadmap for universal design with RUP