
  1. 结论颈部彩超及CT是诊断、鉴别诊断的良好手段,颈侧径路则是最常用而且安全的手术径路方式。

    CONCLUSION Ultrasound and CT is a good method for diagnosis of parapharyngeal space neoplasms , The trans-cervical approach was used most often and the most safe approach .

  2. 在接收端,主放电路以后分成两个通路,一通路接有一个Nyquist滤波器,只允许信号脉冲通过,另一路则接有一窄带滤波器,实现时钟信号的提取。

    At the receiver end the composite signal is separated into two paths , one for recovering the data signal by using a Nyquist filter to attenuate the clock , and the other for recovering the clock by using a high Q , narrow-band filter .

  3. 我们一直以来在走的路则并非如此。

    The path that we have been on is not .

  4. 而电视娱乐资讯节目的未来之路则是要走一条以循环式食物链代替单程式食物链,以绿色生态链替代灰色生态链和黑色生态链的生态之路。

    TV infotainment programs and the road of the future need materials instead of single circulating food programs with green ecology alternative grey and black ecosystem ecology .

  5. 另一条路则通向幽深黑暗,没有尽头的洞穴,洞内流淌着的不是水而是毒液,群魔乱舞,毒蛇嘶嘶爬动。

    the other leading to a deep , dark cave , which was endless , where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled .

  6. V(G),G中都有(a.b)控制路,则G是Hamilton连通的。

    V ( G ), the G is Hamilton & connected .

  7. 若选择第二条路,则将与英国结盟。

    The second required an alliance with britain .

  8. 而平衡冲击压路机则基本解决了原冲击压路机存在的主要问题。

    But balance of impact roller basically solved the Impact Roller 's main problems .

  9. 比如奔驰已经成为辅助驾驶技术的领军者,而宝马则积极开展碳纤维研究,捷豹路虎则进一步完善了铝合金车身框架技术。

    Mercedes is a leader in assisted driving while BMW pioneers carbon fiber research and Jaguar Land Rover perfects techniques in aluminum body structures .

  10. 光路设计则是对浊度仪结构进行设计,保证光路的合理布局。它主要是光源和检测器的选型和放置,使其符合国际标准的要求。

    The turbidity structure is designed to ensure the reasonable layout of optical path , which mainly includes the choices and arranges of light source and detector so that it can meet the requirements of the international standard .

  11. 青岛市东西快速路是青岛市城市建设的重点项目,快速路三期工程中的莘县路立交则是规划海湾大桥接线与环胶州湾高速公路的一个重要节点。

    The highspeed road from east to west in Qingdao is the point item of city development . The Shenxian road overpass project in the third period of this engineering is an important node linking bay-bridge and the highway looping Jiaozhou Bay .

  12. 若无尿路梗阻,则本病具有自限性。

    In the absence of an obstructive lesion of the urinary tract , this illness is self-limited .

  13. 前者是亚洲奉行已久的繁荣之路,后者则在过去五年中产生了惊人的回报。

    One is the age-old path to prosperity in Asia ; the other has produced stunning returns in the past five years .

  14. 第2组阻断头侧端的淋巴流路后,则于29例睾丸(90.6%),出现走向盆腔的淋巴流路。

    In the second group , when the cranial pathway was ligated , the lymphatic , pathway to pelvis is found in 29 testes ( 90.0 % ) .

  15. 如果使用与诊断插座连接的检测仪执行路试,则会增加发生事故和给其他道路使用者带来危险的风险。

    If a test drive is carried out with a tester connected to the diagnostic socket , there is an increased risk of accidents and danger to other road users .

  16. 你就会走这条路,而他则走其他的路线。

    You got one going one way and another going the other way .

  17. 迈阿密大学的法学教授迈克.弗路姆肯对此则不以为然。

    Michael Froomkin , professor of law at the University of Miami , is not so sure .

  18. 尿路血吸虫病男性患者则可能会出现精囊、前列腺和其它器官病变。

    In men , urogenital schistosomiasis can induce pathology of the seminal vesicles , prostate and other organs .

  19. 本文的工作就在于对光学微操控及相关问题的理论研究,而结构光束和光路的严格描述则是研究重点。

    This thesis is devoted to the study of optical micromanipulation and related problems in theory , and the exact description of structured beams and light path is the key point .

  20. 如果图中的一条路不是其他任何路的子路,则称这条路为该图的一条极大路。

    The path spectrum of a graph G , denoted by ps ( G ), is the set of length of all maximal paths in the graph .

  21. 经文指出,义人的路是自由和亨通的,而恶人的路则是幽暗混沌的(19节)。

    The passage contrasts the free , unhindered path of the just with the dark , confused way of the wicked ( v.19 ) .

  22. 从古至今,秩序井然、形状规整的北京街道本应是控制力的体现。数十年来,这里的街道已经被划分成了主路和辅路,主路上跑的是数量相对较少的汽车,辅路则是为成群的自行车准备的。

    Since ancient times the roads of the capital were meant to be an orderly , geometric reflection of control , and for decades the roads have been divided between main roads for the few cars and side lanes intended for the river of bicycles .

  23. 通过Intel8098发出的96路PWM脉冲控制信号,可以同时控制96路气、液态药剂的添加,而通过Intel8O98的4路HSO输出,则可以控制固体药剂的添加速度。

    Ninety-six channels of PWM signals from Intel 8098 were used to control the gas and / or liquid reagent adding through electromagnetic valves , while 4 channels of HSO output were used for solid reagent adding .