
xùn liàn chuán
  • training ship
  1. 船舶种类由杂货船改为实习训练船,所有相关方面均由中国船级社大连项目批准中心批准。

    The ship 's type altered from general cargo ship to training ship , all relating alteration plans designed and approved by CCS Dalian Plan Approval Center .

  2. 船舶电工工艺实训是训练船电专业学生的船舶电工工艺技能。

    The training of ship electrical technology is aimed at training and developing the students'technology capacity .

  3. 这个舰队还包括了“洛阳”导弹护卫舰和一个训练船。

    The fleet includes a missile frigate " Luoyang ", which landed in Wanson in Democratic People 's Republic of Korea or North Korea on Thursday .

  4. 他的航海教练在一次训练课时从船上失足跌入水中,溺水身亡。

    His sailing instructor fell overboard and drowned during a lesson

  5. 被训练在太空船里飞行的人。

    A person trained to travel in a spacecraft .

  6. 她受过什么样的特训使得她可以训练并领导救援船队伍?

    What prior training did she have that she could train and lead the freighter team ?