
  • 网络Flex-Dome Fitness Center;Training Center;BJ Penn's MMA
  1. 没有田径训练馆,冬季训练难以保证。

    Without athletic training center , winter training is hard to guarantee .

  2. 对我来说,这是最完美的训练方式,因为如果你不得不生活在训练馆,你的生活就只剩下了一个空间。

    For me , it 's perfect because if you 'd have to live at a training center , I kind of think you 'd end up one-dimensional .

  3. 铁路40米PPC箱梁整孔制造与架设技术广州体育馆训练馆大跨度钢梁制作工艺

    Construction Technology on Integral Span Box Girder Fabrication and Erection Fabrication Technology of Long Span Girder in Training Building of Guangzhou Gymnasium

  4. 这个体育项目在BasquetCornella可以追溯到1929年,并且那里有个设施齐全的篮球训练馆和健身房,紧挨着的是一个巨大的网球中心,网球是一项全国都为之疯狂的运动。

    The sports program of Basquet Cornella dates to1929 , and the booming facility in which it plays has an immaculate basketball gym , next to the huge tennis center in a country gone mad for sport .

  5. 田径训练馆消防供水系统设计的几点思考

    Fire Water Supply System Design Thoughts of Athletic Training Hall

  6. 高层综合体育训练馆消防设计有关问题探析

    Discussion on the Fire Protection Design of Comprehensive High-rise gymnasium

  7. 广州体育馆训练馆大跨度钢梁制作工艺

    Fabrication Technology of Long Span Girder in Training Building of Guangzhou Gymnasium

  8. 游泳训练馆泳池饰面施工的探讨

    The Discussion about the Construction of Pond Facing in the Swimming Training Hall

  9. 县级体育场与体育馆相结合的形式探索&无锡县体育训练馆设计

    On the Design of Training Gymnasium , Wuxi County

  10. 我还有这个训练馆

    Well , I 've got the gym .

  11. 国家体育总局办公楼和乒乓球、举重训练馆

    Office building of the State Sports Bureau and training halls of table tennis and weight-lifting

  12. 骑士队其余的球员分散在克利夫兰训练馆的训练设施周围。

    The rest of the Cavs are scattered around the Cleveland Clinic Courts practice facility .

  13. 亚运会羽排球训练馆多层空间网架结构设计

    Design of Multistory Space Truss Structure of the Badminton and Volleyball Training Gymnasium for Asian Games

  14. 我知道他早就已经在训练馆中为下赛季开始准备了。

    I know he 's been in the gym a lot getting ready for next season .

  15. 国家奥林匹克综合训练馆

    National Olympic Training Stadium

  16. 他这样敬业的职业球员能在训练馆里呆上好几个小时,而事实也证明了这一点。

    He will have spent hours in the gym because he 's such a good pro and it showed .

  17. 凯利在训练馆中投入了不计其数的时间来确保他能够变得足够强壮,来支持他那6英尺3英寸的充满力量的身体。

    Countless hours have been spent bulking up in the gym to ensure his body is able to support his powerful6ft3ins frame .

  18. 格拉斯曼说,当霍顿在训练馆感到身体发抖时,就会喝几口蜂蜜来补充能量。

    When he starts to feel shaky at the gym , he takes swigs of honey to boost his energy , Glassman said .

  19. 波尔津吉斯从拉斯维加斯来到洛杉矶,在湖人队的训练馆里参加了他们的私人试训。

    Porzingis went from Vegas to Los Angeles to see if he could seal the deal with the Lakers through a private workout at their training facility .

  20. 近些年,我国体育训练馆建筑发展迅速,其功能综合化设计研究成为重要的研究课题。

    In recent years , with the large development of the athletic training stadium in our country , the research of its function-synthesis is becoming a more important theme .

  21. 在他们训练馆的青年活动:在勇士队训练馆近期的一项活动,团队欢迎当地的青年和警察官员造访。

    Youth event at their practice facility : At a recent event at the Warriors practice facility , the team welcomed teenagers from the area along with some police officers .

  22. 他爆料说周四他很早就到了训练馆,准备在清晨开始进行艰苦的训练课,但是在体育馆内,他发现并不是只有他一个人。

    He reported Thursday that he arrived at the gym early , early in the morning for a hard workout , but once inside , he discovered he wasn 't alone .

  23. 禅师看着他的车,脸上带着诡异的微笑离开湖人的训练馆,这有可能是他光辉职业生涯里最后一次走出这里。

    But Jackson , with eyes only for his car , had a wry smile on his face as left the Lakers'practice court for what could 've been the last time in his Hall of Fame career .

  24. “要做到这些的话需要投入时间,不是在训练馆的时间。我指的是倾听以及一日三餐的时间,要在平时与队友们交流,听听他们在说什么”。

    And to do that you have to put time in . And I don 't mean time in the gym . I mean time listening . Breakfast , lunch , dinner . Talking to guys , listening to what they 're saying . "

  25. 名为Superlife的健身俱乐部位于最繁华的商业区,不仅拥有训练馆,而且还拥有著名的篮球场和室外游泳池,受到聚会者的强烈推荐。庄子豪说,休闲设施为人们下班后提供了一个极好的休闲空间。

    st prosperous business district , the fitness club named Superlife boasts not only a training hall but also a famous basketball court and an outdoor swimming pool which is highly recommended by partygoers . Chung says the leisure facility offers a superb recreational space for people to relax after work . "

  26. 重庆大学综合体育(训练)馆设计方案研究

    Design Study on Integrative Gymnasium ( Training Stadium ) of Chongqing University

  27. 对国家队训练场(馆)标语进行理论研究,探讨其设置理论、问题与策略。

    The sport slogan in training venues of China national teams is theoretically studied .

  28. 体育总局训练局举重篮球训练馆

    Weight-lifting and basketball training hall of Sports Training Bureau

  29. 基于风洞原理进行体育竞技训练的空气动力训练馆

    " Air Force Training Gym " of Athletic Training base on the Pneumatic Principles

  30. 在这段时间里,我基本上不会怎么训练,但之后我就会回到训练馆中开始举重和进行一些轻松的投篮和跑步练习。

    During that time I don 't really do any training , but after that I start going back into the gym to lift weights and do some light running and shooting .