
xùn cí
  • Precepts;admonition;instruction
训词 [xùn cí]
  • [admonition;instruction] 进行教导的言词或为教导传授给某人的言词

训词[xùn cí]
  1. 我要默想你的训词、看重你的道路。

    I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways .

  2. 试谈《释名》被训词和主训词的关系

    Relation Between Explained Words and Explaining Words in Term Explanation

  3. 耶和华阿,你曾将你的训词吩咐我们,为要我们殷勤遵守。

    Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently .

  4. 耶和华的训词正直,能快活人心。

    8The precepts of the Lord are right , giving joy to the heart .

  5. 我借着你的训词,得以明白。所以我恨一切的假道。

    I gain understanding from your precepts ; therefore I hate every wrong path .

  6. 我比年老的更明白,因我守了你的训词。

    I have more understanding than the elders , for I obey your precepts .

  7. 我微小被人藐视。却不忘记你的训词。

    Though I am lowly and despised , I do not forget your precepts .

  8. 他们几乎把我从世上灭绝,但我没有离弃你的训词。

    They had almost consumed me upon earth ; but I forsook not thy precepts .

  9. 求你救我脱离人的欺压。我要遵守你的训词。

    Deliver me from the oppression of man : so will I keep thy precepts .

  10. 我是属你的,求你救我,因我寻求了你的训词。

    Save me , for I am yours ; I have sought out your precepts .

  11. 我羡慕你的训词。求你使我在你的公义上生活。

    Behold , I have longed after thy precepts : quicken me in thy righteousness .

  12. 我要自由而行,因我素来考究你的训词。

    I will walk about in freedom , for I have sought out your precepts .

  13. 他手所行的,是诚实公平。他的训词都是确实的。

    The works of his hands are faith and righteousness ; all his laws are unchanging .

  14. 就是那些遵守他的约,记念他的训词而遵行的人。

    If they keep his agreement , and have his laws in mind to do them .

  15. 所有文官的候选人都要用功研读印刷成册的孔子训词。

    Every candidate for the civil service boned up on Confucius ' precepts in printed form .

  16. 我所以如此,是因我守你的训词。

    This has been true of me , that I have kept your orders in my heart .

  17. 带着与那位捷克蔬菜水果商相同的顺从,雇员们把这类训词放在写字台和墙上。

    Employees place these exhortations on desks and walls with the same resignation as the Czech greengrocer .

  18. 恶人为我设下网罗。我却没有偏离你的训词。

    Sinners have put a net to take me ; but I was true to your orders .

  19. 我遵守了你的训词和法度。因我一切所行的,都在你面前。

    I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies : for all my ways are before thee .

  20. 凡敬畏你,守你训词的人,我都与他作伴。

    I keep company with all your worshippers , and those who have your orders in their memory .

  21. 现代俄语中的反训词

    Enantiosemy in Modern Russian

  22. 骄傲人编造谎言攻击我。我却要一心守你的训词。

    Though the arrogant have smeared me with lies , I keep your precepts with all my heart .

  23. 愿你用手帮助我。因我拣选了你的训词。

    Let your hand be near for my help ; for I have given my heart to your orders .

  24. 他手所作的都是诚实和公正;他的训词都是可信靠的。

    [ KJV ] The works of his hands are verity and judgment ; all his commandments are sure .

  25. 求你使我明白你的训词,我就思想你的奇事。

    Make me to understand the way of thy precepts : so shall I talk of thy wondrous works .

  26. 你一切的训词,在万事上我都以为正直。我却恨恶一切假道。

    Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right ; and I hate every false way .

  27. 在1960年代初期,在多年的恢复之后(1945-63),出现了一种青春派对长辈的训词的抵制。

    In the early1960s , after the years of renewal ( 1945-63 ), there was a youthful rejection of the parental message .

  28. 从语言学的角度对《白虎通》声训词进行研究,具有十分重要的理论学术意义和价值。

    To study the characters of sound explanation from the angle of linguistics , it is of important theoretical and academic value and significance .

  29. 因为他们无理地倾覆我。但我要思想你的训词。

    Let the proud be ashamed ; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause : but I will meditate in thy precepts .

  30. 耶和华的训词正直,能快活人心。耶和华的命令清洁,能明亮人的眼目。

    The statutes of the Lord are right , rejoicing the heart : the commandment of the Lord is pure , enlightening the eyes .