
  • 网络Training activities;exercise;sport activities;disciplinary action
  1. 这两个理念贯穿了整个移情训练活动的设计和组织过程。

    These two ideas impenetrate the whole design and operating process .

  2. 运动项目规律和训练活动规律的实质与统一

    Sports event and training laws-essence and unity universal and particular laws

  3. 作文是一种综合性很强的复杂的训练活动。

    The composition is a highly complex and comprehensive training activity .

  4. 指导本科生参与科研实践训练活动的体会

    Some experience on undergraduate students participating the science research practics and training

  5. 第二阶段是拓展训练活动。

    The second stage is to expand training activities .

  6. 浅谈开展大学生科研训练活动

    Reflections on the Development of Undergraduates Research Training Program

  7. 举行正式的新社员辅导及训练活动。

    Conduct formal orientation and training for new members .

  8. 驾驶训练活动门模型构想

    Ideas of Movable Door Model for Drive Training

  9. 高校开展拓展训练活动的组织、管理模式探讨

    Inquiry into the Mode of Organization and Management about Developing Outward Bound in Colleges

  10. 国际禁毒执法训练活动日程表

    International Calendar of Drug Law Enforcement Training Events

  11. 大型体育器材是学校教学和训练活动的重要物质基础。

    Large sports equipment is an important material foundation in school teaching and training .

  12. 小组心理教育活动主要表现为心理训练活动和心理矫正活动;

    Group mental educational activity chiefly shows the mental training activity and mental adjustment activity .

  13. 高职班英语口语训练活动的设计与操作

    On the design and practice for oral English activity of students at high vocational college

  14. 训练活动:政策纲要

    Training Activities : Policy Outline

  15. 每月的某个周末和暑期的两个礼拜,我都会参加海军陆战队的训练活动。

    I served with the Marines one weekend a month and during two-week sprints in the summer .

  16. 介绍了在野外生存训练活动中可能出现的安全问题的防护措施;

    It also points out some safety problems and protective measures to be paid an attention to .

  17. 学校组织军事训练活动,应当采取措施,加强安全保障。

    When organizing an activity of military training , a school shall take measures to ensure the safety .

  18. 此外,该活动倡议政府部门制订大楼安保机制和应急方案以及一些逃生训练活动等。

    Besides , the program will encourage governments to establish building standards , emergency response plans and training programs .

  19. 时间作为竞技性体操运动训练活动中的一种必然的成本投入,其产出的效益就是贡献层次及其保持的年限。

    Time as an inexorable investment in competitive gymnastic training produces the gradation and fixed number of years of contribution .

  20. 支持并且为这些训练活动提供资金从而改变教授科学的方式,这既迫切又必不可少。

    It is both urgent and essential to support and fund these training activities to change the way science is taught .

  21. 所以,我建议进行一项有氧运动,更加需要耐力的训练活动,两者组合起来。

    So , what I recommend , that 's one more cardio exercise , one more resistance training exercise , combine them .

  22. 主要从阅读和写作的整体规划和序列性以及趣味性训练活动上进行实践。

    Mainly from reads and the writing corporate planning and the sequence as well as in interesting training carries on the practice .

  23. 残疾人教育机构、福利性企业事业组织和其他为残疾人服务的机构,应当创造条件,开展康复训练活动。

    Departments of education , welfare enterprises and institutions and other service organizations for disabled persons shall create conditions for rehabilitation training activities .

  24. 毅行者源于一项军人的训练活动,全男班的士兵,挑战自我,要在廿四小时之内完成100公里路程。

    Still , Trailwalker began as a military exercise . Soldiers , all men , were challenged to finish the100km trail in24 hours .

  25. 按照传统方式和传统手段管理的军事训练活动不能很好地适应未来战争的需要,导致军事训练质量不高,效用低。

    The military training cannot adapt to the war needs in the future by the traditional means , which lead to weak quality and low utility .

  26. 这是该市年轻人里目前最大规模的体育训练活动。来到这个印度社区活动中心的60%孩子都是亚裔。

    This is the largest training program for youths in the country , run by the India Community Center in an area that is60 percent Asian .

  27. 养成教育由教育者、受教育者、训练活动三大要素构成,涉及家庭、学校和社会各个方面。

    Nurturance education have three main factors : educator , educatee and training activity , which involved in many aspects such as families , schools and society .

  28. 我们在大规模的全民心肺复苏术训练活动中特别往积极的用电话及信件来邀请台北市民参加。

    We used a targeted strategy and aggressive methods such as mailing and telephoning to invite citizens of Taipei city to join our mass CPR training course .

  29. 在下半年度,该校利用一笔捐款成立了中国发展基金,进一步在内地发展外展训练活动。

    During the latter half of the year , a China Development Fund was established through a donation to further the development of Outward Bound in the Mainland .

  30. 但我们的阅读教学还存在一些问题,其中较为突出的一个问题是阅读课上的训练活动以学习语言知识为主。

    But there are some problems in our reading classes . A glaring example of the problems is that the training activities in reading class are mainly used to teach language .