
  • 网络service skill
  1. 对员工进行服务技能技巧的培训;

    Give service skill training to employee ;

  2. 社区服务技能仍缺乏。

    Shortage of community service skill .

  3. 乡镇卫生院医生医疗保健服务技能评定

    Skill Evaluation of Medical and Health Services to the Township Hospital

  4. 论馆员现代信息知识与网络服务技能

    On librarians'Knowlege About Modern Information and the skills in Network Service

  5. 强化护理本科生人文服务技能的实践

    The practice of reinforcing the skill of humane service of nursing trainee

  6. 这样才能充分体现出我们对客人的关怀及优异的对客服务技能。

    This shows attentiveness towards the guest and good customer care skills .

  7. 目的:探讨提高社区药学人员药学服务技能的岗位培训方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore some effective training methods on the basic technical skills for community pharmacists .

  8. 加强员工的服务技能培训,保证服务标准。

    The staff training for service skill and knowledge , maintain high standards and all equipments of Banquet department .

  9. 对浙江省25个经济欠发达县119个乡镇中心卫生院的基本情况、人力资源、急救设施与设备、急救药品、急救服务技能等卫生资源进行了现状调查与分析。

    This article studied the first aid health resources distribution condition in about 119 township center hospitals of 25 undeveloped counties in Zhejiang province .

  10. 合并后的内蒙古民族大学是一所综合性大学,因此对图书馆信息服务技能和服务质量提出了高要求。

    Inner Mongolia university for nationalities is a comprehensive university , which requires high information services skills ' and good servics ' qualities in library .

  11. 实践环节的设计不仅是为了服务技能和业务操作能力的培养,更是为了毕业生能真正胜任旅游与酒店行业的管理工作,同时也是对理论知识的巩固与加强。

    The design of practice tache is not only cultivating service technique and operation ability , but also strengthening the theory knowledge of tourism and hotel management work .

  12. 文章从国内的图书馆现状出发,论述了馆员的素质、服务技能、本馆优势等是争创品牌的决定因素。

    This paper expounds that librarian personnel 's quality , the service skill and the superiorities of the library itself are the determining factor to display the library brand .

  13. 为此,应不断整合、更新教学内容,加强区域人文地理的学习,实行启发式、案例讨论式的教学方法,以提高导游人员的服务技能。

    Therefore , we should integrate and change teaching contents , improve the study on human geography and take heuristic and case-discussing teaching method to increase tour guides'service ability .

  14. 在微观层面上,加强职业培训,提升个人素质和服务技能;雇佣调整心态,构建和谐互动。

    On the micro aspect , strengthen job training , promote personal quality and service skill ; Hire and adjust the psychology , it is harmonious and interdynamic to structure .

  15. 指出图书馆员在网络环境下应具备的业务技能及提高网络服务技能的途径。

    Furthermore , the paper points out the librarians ' expertise and professional skills that they should master in the environment of network and the way of improving their skills in network service .

  16. 提高顾客满意度:对待会员要公平、一致;对待会员要微笑;倾听会员心声;沟通;员工服务技能的培训和发展。

    Improving customer satisfaction : treatment of members to be fair and consistent ; treatment of members to be smiling ; listen to thinking of members ; communication ; train and develop employee service skills .

  17. 要用科学合理的方法对酒店员工进行培训,不同层级的员工、不同类型的员工的培训方法不同;其次,实施自主培训与校企合作相结合的方式和对员工实施交叉培训提高员工多种服务技能。

    The staff should be trained scientifically , different methods to different level and types of staff . In addition , it need to adapt the method of combination of autonomic training and school-enterprise cooperation and cross training to improve service skills of staff .

  18. 为探讨急救服务技能培训在提高急诊病人满意度中的实用价值,采用了统一问卷调查表,在实施急救服务技能培训前后,同期调查急诊科所有就诊患者,对培训前后病人的满意度进行对比分析。

    To evaluate effect of the emergency treatment and service skills training in improving patients ' satisfactory degree , we surveyed the patients in the department of emergency with the same questionnaire before and after the training and analyzed the patients ' satisfactory degree before and after the training .

  19. 实现EJB代理方法的应用程序开发人员应该具备基本J2EE和Web服务开发技能。

    Application developers who implement the EJB proxy approach should have basic J2EE and Web services development skills .

  20. 研究发现,对于那些与对冲基金有着良好关系、具备产品知识及风险或客户服务专业技能的个人而言,竞争加剧将全面提高他们的薪资水平。

    The research found that increased competition will augment compensation across the board for those individuals with deep hedge fund relationships , product knowledge and risk or client service specialties .

  21. 摘要科研单位的发展,不仅需要科研管理人才和专业技术人才,还需要为科研生产服务的技能人才。

    The development of scientific research institution not only needs scientific research management talents and specialized technical personnel , but also needs the skilled personnel to serve scientific research and producing .

  22. 所有采取此类行动的瑞士银行都相信,尽管银行保密制度的日子或许已屈指可数,但人们对于美国一案中瑞士银行所提供的服务与技能的渴望仍将存在。

    All have done so in the belief that , while the days of bank secrecy may be numbered , the desire for service and performance allegedly offered by Swiss banks will remain .

  23. 会计师事务所专业化经营是指通过其服务的技能与对象的专,来实现审计产品的精与高的特色经营战略。

    The accounting firm 's specialization operation is a special operating strategy . Through the specialty of accounting firm 's auditing skill and object , it acquires an excellent and high quality-auditing product .

  24. 我们就向他们一再强调经营和管理技巧也是非常重要的,丝毫不亚于向客户提供实际服务的技能。

    And we try to emphasize to these individuals that running the business , or the business management part of it , is just as important as knowing how to provide the service to their customers .

  25. 提供培训课程以提升开发人员在构建安全监视Web服务方面的技能。

    Provide training classes to update developers'skills on building security monitoring Web services .

  26. 职业教育;服务专业;技能素质;形体训练。

    Occupation education ; Service profession ; Technical ability character ; The body train .

  27. 高等职业教育是我国现代职业教育体系的重要组成部分,担负着培养适应社会需求的生产、管理和服务第一线技能型人才的使命。

    As an important part of Chinese educational system , higher vocational education takes the responsibility to cultivate first-line skilled persons to meet the society needs .

  28. 服务设计者在技能要求上可以看作是一个技术业务分析员,或者一个与技术专家相比有着众多领域知识的高级开发人员。

    The skill profile of a Service Designer can be compared to that of a more technical business analyst , or a high-level developer with more domain knowledge than technical expertise .

  29. 相对于物质投入外包,服务外包对技能结构的提升作用更为明显,且在高技术和低开放度行业中这种作用更大。

    As opposed to material outsourcing , service outsourcing has more evident effect on upgrading of the skills structure , and the effect in the industries of high-tech and low degree of openness is greater .

  30. 近年来,随着高等职业技术教育规模不断扩大和深入发展,其实用性和功利性色彩愈加明显,为经济服务的实用技能教育占据了高职教育的主导地位。

    In recent years , with higher vocational and technical education continues to expand the scale and development , its practicability and utilitarian color became apparent , the practical skills for financial services vocational education education occupied the dominant position .