
fú xínɡ nénɡ lì
  • Ability to serve a sentence;capacity to serve a sentence
  1. 服刑能力影响因素研究

    Study of Affecting Factors of Mentally Prisoner ′ s Competency to Serve a Sentence

  2. 前言:目的了解服刑能力鉴定中拘禁性精神障碍的医学转归。

    Objective : To understand the shifting of prison mental disorder in forensic of competency to serve a sentence .

  3. 既往有精神异常史和无犯罪史者评定为无服刑能力比率较高,鉴定中应重点关注。

    We must devote much attention to the group that who had mental disease and who had boken the low .

  4. 为探索服刑能力鉴定的相关因素,对102例服刑能力评定的案例进行分析研究,以自制的服刑环境适应调查表进行调查比较。

    In order to explore the factors influencing the evaluation of competence for serve a sentence , 102 cases of forensic psychiatric expertise were reviewed .

  5. 方法:采用自编服刑能力调查表对309例疑似精神病患者的服刑犯人服刑能力司法精神医学鉴定进行调查。

    Method : The data of309 prisoners with possible mental health problems were collected by self-edit questionnaire about their competency in serving sentences and then analyzed .

  6. 目的探索精神病犯服刑能力的影响因素,为服刑能力量化评定奠定基础。

    Objective Explore the affecting factors of mentally prisoner ′ s competency to serve a sentence ( CSS ), establish the base of quantitive study of CSS .

  7. 笔者结合国内外有关文献,对精神分裂症患者所致司法案件的作案特征以及患者的责任能力、受审能力、服刑能力的研究进行综述。

    The characteristics of schizophrene ′ s misdeed and the peace breaker ′ s responsibility , competence to stand trial and to serve a sentence were reviewed .

  8. 患有应激相关障碍、癔病、人格障碍等10例(36.7%),责任能力评定结果为有服刑能力;

    10 ( 36 . 7 % ) were diagnosed as stress relative disorders , hysteria , personality disorders et al , appraisal of capacity for responsibility showed that they had competence of imprisonment .

  9. 结论两组犯人在刑期相近情况下,在精神异常出现时间、服刑能力有明显不同。

    Conclusion : When the prison terms were similar to each other , the interval before mental disorders and the ability to serve a sentence were different between the psychological factor group and the biological group .

  10. 方法回顾性调查21例心理因素组与35例生物学因素组刑期、入监至精神异常间隔时间、服刑能力对精神异常产生的影响。

    Method : A retrospective analysis was conducted of 21 cases of the psychological factors group and 35 cases of biological factors group . Prison term , the interval before mental disorders in prison and the ability to sever a sentence of the criminals from the two groups were compared .

  11. 目的分析服刑犯人心理因素、刑期对精神异常、服刑能力的影响。

    Objectives : To explore the effect of psychological factors and prison term on mental disorders and the ability to serve a sentence of criminals .

  12. 结论服刑在押犯人服刑期间易出现精神心理问题,监狱管理人员应加强服刑在押犯的精神卫生宣教,提高服刑人员的服刑能力。

    Conclusion Criminals in custody is liable to develop psycho-problems , mental health education should be enhanced in order to improve their competence of imprisonment .