
fú zhuānɡ diàn
  • clothing store;outfitter
  1. 如果我们了解对方,我就不会在商场的服装店外面耐心等候了&我会租一辆带着钩连着锁的拖车把她拖出来。

    If we knew each other , I wouldn 't have waited patiently for her outside the clothing store in the mall & I would have rented a tow truck with a hook and chain to pull her out .

  2. 如果我们了解对方,我就不会在商场的服装店外面耐心等候了——我会租一辆带着钩连着锁的拖车把她拖出来。

    If we knew each other , I wouldn 't have waited patiently for her outside the clothing store in the mall - I would have rented a tow truck with a hook and chain to pull her out .

  3. 他们为利特尔伍兹服装店展示的那些服装每个女人都穿得起。

    The clothes they model for Littlewoods are all within easy reach of every woman

  4. 她经常利用午餐休息时间逛逛服装店。

    She often browses through dress shops during her lunch hour .

  5. 她为一家大服装店设计服装图案。

    She designs dresses for a large clothing shop .

  6. 这是一家不显眼的商店,招牌上笼统地称作服装店。

    It was an unassuming shop , registered under the vague name of drapery .

  7. 另一家高端户外服装店巴塔哥尼亚也遵循同样的原则。

    Another clothing company , Patagonia , a high-end outdoor clothing store , follows the same principle .

  8. 他父亲开了一家服装店,以前卡尔顿在周末的时候都会去那里工作。

    His father owned a clothes store , and Carlton used to work there at the weekend .

  9. 丽莎:我也是。这附近有一家服装店。我们下班后去那儿吧。简:听起来不错!

    Lisa : Me , too . There 's a clothes shop near here . Let 's go there after work . Jane : Sounds good !

  10. 这是一家成年妇女服装店。

    This is a dress shop for mature women .

  11. MaryJones在一间女性服装店买了一件衣服。

    Mary Jones bought a dress in a woman 's clothing store .

  12. 这位业余模特告诉《温哥华省报》记者,他在项目最开始的时候选择Gap服装店没有什么特别的原因。

    The amateur model told The Province that there was no special reason why he originally chose Gap for his project .

  13. 这一行为本是一次临时起意,但后来它变成了这对夫妇一直坚持的传统,现在他们会定期去Gap服装店逛逛。

    The one-off stunt quickly turned into an ongoing tradition for the couple , and now they make regular trips to Gap .

  14. 一位服装店的店员(SA)正与一位顾客(C)谈话。

    A shop assistant ( SA ) in a clothes shop is speaking to a customer ( C ) .

  15. 您的客户一家女式服装店需要您开发一个与支付处理和产品配送中心集成的Web店面解决方案。

    A customer , a women â™ s clothing store , needs you to develop a Web storefront solution integrated with a payment processing and product delivery center .

  16. 戈培尔下令让慕尼黑本土服装店雨果·波士为SS生产制服。

    Goebbels instructed Munich-based outfitter Hugo Boss and his staff to create the SS uniforms .

  17. 许多像“SaksFifthAvenue”这样的服装店都有很好的家用服装品牌。

    Many department stores , such as Saks Fifth Avenue , have a house clothing brand .

  18. 杭盖街(HangGai)上的BooSkateshop服装店背后的团队吸取了当今美国流行趋势中的时尚元素。

    The team behind Boo Skateshop in Hang Gai , draws from current American trends .

  19. 比尔o芬利在温哥华开的服装店HempCompany去年10月份开始接受比特币。他说,比特币消费每个月大概会出现三次。

    Bill Finley started accepting bitcoin last October at his clothing store Hemp Company in Vancouver , and gets about three bitcoin sales a month , he said .

  20. 在坚尼地城(KennedyTown),不起眼的面店和传统茶馆要多于服装店和美式咖啡馆,香港岛上这样的街区已经不多见了。

    Kennedy Town is among the few remaining districts on Hong Kong island where hole-in-the-wall noodle joints and traditional tea houses outnumber clothing stores and US coffee shops .

  21. 23岁时,她开了一家服装店,并在MTV短命的真人秀节目《都市女孩》(DowntownGirls)中担任主角。

    She opened a clothing boutique when she was 23 and starred in a short-lived reality show , ' Downtown Girls , ' on MTV .

  22. 一定要使用像foursquare等gps应用软件定位对购物者有优待的商铺,比如jcpenny(杰西潘尼,美国服装店)和toysrus(玩具反斗城)。

    Then make sure you are checking in on GPS apps , like foursquare . Jcpenny and Toys R US are among those with special perks for holiday shoppers .

  23. 听笑话学英语:PinkSuitSale粉红西装卖出去了服装店经理吃完午餐回来,发现店员的手包上了绷带,没等他问,店员告诉他一个非常好的消息。

    When the store manager returned from lunch , he noticed his clerk 's hand was bandaged , but before he could ask about the bandage , the clerk said he had some very good news for him .

  24. TaniaRazif在一个四层楼高的购物中心开设了一个服装店,店铺也受到严重损坏。

    Tania Razif owned a clothing shop in a four-story shopping mall , which was severely damaged .

  25. 不过维沙尔相信,CombatGent可以提供比高端服装店价格更低的服装,却又不会让购物者把它与低端折扣店联系在一起。

    But vishaal believes that combat gent can find a place for itself by providing lower cost clothes than high-end boutiques without the stigma some shoppers associate with low-end discount stores .

  26. 今年25岁的马赫什劳尔(MaheshRaul)得意地向同事展示自己新买的三星Galaxy智能手机,他在孟买南部的一间服装店工作。

    Mahesh Raul , 25 , shows off his new Samsung Galaxy phone to colleagues in the clothing store he works at in south Mumbai .

  27. 他还与大尺码服装店莱恩·布赖恩特(LaneBryant)有合作,并为这个合作今年在联合国举办的一个时装秀,他还为凯特·哈德森(KateHudson)和赞达亚(Zendaya)等名人设计过服装。

    He also has a collaboration with the plus-size store Lane Bryant , for which he held a runway show at the United Nations this year , and has dressed other celebrities , including Kate Hudson and Zendaya .

  28. 柳井正1949年出生于山口县(Yamaguchi)的煤炭城市宇部(Ube),他的父母在此经营一家西式服装店。

    He was born in 1949 in the mining town of Ube in Yamaguchi prefecture , where his parents ran a western clothing store .

  29. 警长雷蒙德w凯利称,显然,嫌疑犯先是在他之前工作过的外贸服装店射杀了一位前同事,然后沿街走到帝国大厦前向那里的民众开枪。

    According to Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly , the suspect apparently shot and killed his former co-worker outside the apparel importer where they worked . He then walked down the street to the front of the Empire State Building and opened fire on people standing there .

  30. 如果你追求的是时尚,还剑湖(HoanKiemLake)西侧MoniqbyM服装店的ThuMadelin从国外的复古商店获得了启示。

    If it 's fashion you 're after , Thu Madelin at Moniq by M , on the western side of Hoan Kiem Lake , takes cues from overseas vintage stores .