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fú sāng
  • be in mourning
服丧 [fú sāng]
  • [be in mourning] 在一定时期内带孝,对死去的长辈或平辈亲属表示哀悼

服丧[fú sāng]
  1. 她仍在为丈夫服丧。

    She was still in mourning for her husband .

  2. 男孩身穿黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。

    The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.

  3. 忧伤;服丧所有的人都为总统的去世哀悼。n.概念;

    mourn All the people mourned the loss of their President .

  4. 但得是黑色的比基尼。因为她还是要服丧的。

    But a black bikini , becauseshe still has to mourn .

  5. 皇室将为故王服丧。

    The court will go into mourning for the late king .

  6. 她显然不愿意去服丧。

    Robert : She was certainly reluctant to go into mourning .

  7. 朝庭为皇后亡叔服丧。

    The Court went into mourning for the queen 's uncle .

  8. 亚瑟·伊登斯:我正在为上帝之死而服丧。

    Arthur Edens : I am Shiva , the god of death .

  9. 加冕礼将在服丧期过后举行。

    The coronation will take place after the mourning period .

  10. 但要知道巴里安这个人为他妻子服丧。

    But know that this man Balian mourns his wife .

  11. 孔子跟服丧的人吃饭时,从来不吃饱。

    When Confucius is eating with a mourner , he never satiated himself .

  12. 不要向服丧期的人们问候(主要指不要说喜庆的话吧?)。

    Don 't greet people who are in mourning .

  13. 她服丧一个月。

    She was in mourning for a month .

  14. 祖母逝世时他们开始服丧。

    When grandmother died they went into mourning .

  15. 她在为她哥哥服丧。

    She is mourning for her brother .

  16. 对山陵使问题、服丧双轨制问题,有独到的见解;

    Original views are put forth about mausoleumbusiness minister and the dual system of mourning regulations .

  17. 要是卖炭的要你喝酒,你就说我们家正在服丧。

    If the charcoal dealer asks you to drink , say our family 's in mourning .

  18. 这么多吃的他们不是在服丧吗

    Seems like a lot of food , when you think they 're all in mourning .

  19. 法国国民议会和美国众议院决定为纪念他而举哀服丧。

    Both the French National Assembly and the United States House of Representatives voted to wear mourning in his honor .

  20. 想一想这个在煤块和灰烬中间拨弄火耙子的人正毫无顾忌地佩戴着他那服丧的标志,在前面向前行进吧!

    To think of this presumptuous raker among coals and ashes going on before there , with his sign of mourning !

  21. 的确,这不是服丧时穿的东西;但是她却没有别的鞋子穿。所以她就把一双小赤脚伸进去,跟在一个简陋的棺材后面走。

    They were certainly not intended for mourning , but she had no others , and with stockingless feet she followed the poor straw coffin in them .

  22. 在同一个晚上,托林森先生跟女仆一块出去兜风,她直到现在还没有试戴过服丧的软帽。

    In the evening also , Mr Towlinson goes out to take the air , accompanied by the housemaid , who has not yet tried her mourning bonnet .

  23. 我在几个车厢看看:有几个农民,一个服丧的妇女,一个专心致志在看塔西佗的《编年史》的青年,一个显得很高兴的士兵。

    I walked through the carriages . I remember some farmers , a woman dressed in mourning , a youth deep in Tacitus'Annals and a wounded , happy soldier .

  24. 成千上万的遇难者家属,没有遗体来服丧使前进的进程更加困难,有一些人继续执行自己的遗体搜索。

    For thousands of relatives , the absence of a body to mourn makes the process of moving on much harder , and some continue to carry out their own physical search .

  25. 而我必须再一次进入水珠圆润的天庭和玉蜀黍的犹大教堂我才能为一个声音的影子祈祷或在服丧的幽谷之中播撒我苦涩的种子去哀悼

    And I must enter again the round Zion of the water bead And the synagogue of the ear of corn Shall I let pray the shadow of a sound Or sow my salt seed In the least valley of sackcloth to mourn

  26. 中国古代的守丧制度是指服丧者在丧期内的行为规范,是丧服制度的重要内容。守丧制度是儒家“孝道”的重要体现,其基本要求就是尽“哀”。

    The system of keeping vigil beside the dead in ancient China refers to the norms of behavior of the mourners while in mourning and is an important exhibition of the Confucian filial duty , whose basic requirement is a full expression of mournfulness .

  27. 在丧服制度中,丧服形式以及服丧时间皆依据血缘和社会地位确定,表现出一种严格的贵贱与亲疏等级,体现出周代宗法等级的完全形成。

    In mourning regime , the mourning the form as well as the mourning time are determined based on kinship and social status , the actual performance of a strictly equal status with the intimacy level , reflect the Zhou Dynasty patriarchal hierarchy fully formed .

  28. 而狭义的丁忧实际上就是指古代官员的父母(包括嫡亲父母与继父母)、祖父母丧亡后,官员必须离职回籍、服丧守制的一种制度。

    While in the narrow sense ," dingyou " actually refers to that in ancient times , when the parents ( including step parents ) and grandparents of an official die , the official has to resign and return to their hometown to do the mourning .

  29. 通过对陕西关中解放前、解放后到改革开放前及改革开放后三个时期丧葬礼俗的葬前礼俗、葬礼、葬后服丧之礼的简要描述,探讨了丧葬礼俗的沿革及规律。

    In this paper , a brief introduction is first given to the funeral etiquettes and customs in Guanzhong , Shaanxi before liberation , post liberation , before reform and post reform , with the exploration of the evolution , social background and the law of it .