
  • 网络Modeling;Costume
  1. 有限元法在服装造型CAD中的应用

    The application of finite element method to apparel modeling cad

  2. 三维人台、服装造型及衣片展开CAD技术的探讨

    3D Body-form and Garment Modeling + Pattern Flattening CAD Techniques for Clothing Industry

  3. 使用SPSS工具对各服装造型变化数值与结构样板之间的关系进行相关性分析和回归分析,研究结构对各造型的影响,得到回归关系模型和最佳的配伍组合模型。

    Both relativity analysis and regression analysis are conducted on the relation between garment modeling variation and structure plates by using SPSS tool .

  4. 线在针织服装造型设计中的运用

    The Importance of Lines in the Molding Design of Knitted Garment

  5. 论梭织面料性能与服装造型的关系

    The Relation of Performance Woven Fabric and the Shape of Garment

  6. 然而,服装造型与运动功能性常常存在一定的矛盾。

    However , clothing styles and sporting functionality often have contradiction .

  7. 服装造型语言“褶皱”的形态与构成

    Form and structure of dress forming language " drape "

  8. 上古代中、西服装造型的差异分析

    On Differences Between old Chinese & the Western Clothing Styles

  9. 丝绸服装造型要素研究

    Research on the Modeling Key Elements of Silk Garment

  10. 立体裁剪在服装造型教学中的应用

    The Application of the Three & dimensional Cutting in the Fashion Modeling Teachings

  11. 电影《鸠占鹊巢》中的服装造型艺术

    The Clothing Plastic Arts in the Movie " The other Boleyn Girl "

  12. 服装造型(结构设计)是款式造型的生命。

    Garment modeling ( structure design ) is a life for style modeling .

  13. 论服装造型的仿生设计方法

    On the Bionic Designing in the Dress Style

  14. 熨烫工艺影响不同面料服装造型的量化研究

    Quantification study of the effect of ironing-technology on forming of apparel of different fabrics

  15. 针织面料特性对服装造型及结构设计的影响

    The influence of the knitted fabric characteristics on the apparel modeling and structure design

  16. 西方服装造型是以塑造女性的三围曲线和立体的造型为主题。

    Western garment modelling is cubic garment modelling used to mold women 's three-dimension curve .

  17. 论文还介绍了以偏离值作用于人体数据的服装造型点的生成方法。

    The obtaining method of 3D modeling points of garment is offered by calculating the offset value .

  18. 从而探寻出一种新的服装造型设计方法,推动服装设计理论的多元化发展。

    As a result , we search a new design method to make the theory to diversify .

  19. 人体的外形状况及运动形式,是服装造型的基础。

    The human body including body shape and motion form , is the base of fashion design .

  20. 谈服装造型与装饰

    Apparel modeling and ornamentation

  21. 服装造型有立体造型,平面造型,立体平面相结合三种方法。

    There are three methods in garment modeling : stereoscopic modeling , plane modeling and their combination modeling .

  22. 20世纪上半叶中国服装造型结构变化的文化探析

    The Cultural Analysis for the Structure Designing Changes of Chinese Garment in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

  23. 此文通过立体构成与服装造型设计上的关系,阐明立体构成对服装造型设计的影响与作用。

    Through the relation of solid constitution and garniture sculpt , this paper clarify that solid constitution impact to the garniture sculpt .

  24. 我提前从巴黎回来,就是为了整理服装造型册。要是他们喜欢,

    Eleanor : I came back from Paris early to put together my look book , And if they like what they see ,

  25. 本文从化妆造型和服装造型两个方面论述了影视美术设计中人物造型的表现手段。

    The article deals with the means of character molding in film and TV artistic design from the angles of makeup and costume .

  26. 纸样设计师的任务是负责从设计思维到服装造型,再以批量化复制成商品的全过程的前提。

    The task of paper designer is to be responsible for the whole process from design thinking and costume modeling to mass merchandise reproduction .

  27. 材质不仅是服装造型的物质基础,同样也是服装造型的艺术表现形式。

    The material is not only the material base of the model of clothing and but an artistic form of expression of the model .

  28. 服装造型不强调人体,利用宽衣博带遮掩人体,表现的是一种庄重、含蓄之美。

    Costumes not stress the body , cover the body with the use of undress Bo , the performance is a solemn , subtle beauty .

  29. “褶”作为服装造型的一种手段,主要目的是增加服装的审美情趣、表现着装形式的多样性。

    As means of plastic arts of clothing , the use of pleats is intended mainly to add aesthetic delight and demonstrate the variety of styles .

  30. 而叠加作为一种常用手法,很好的表现了面与面之间丰富的关系,在服装造型的设计中发挥着重要的作用。

    While overlying , as a common technique , explains excellently the luxuriant relationships between area and area and plays an important role in garment styling design .