
  • 网络Server;Service;master;server.exe
  1. 服务端做的事情是一样的,不过它使用“serverwritekey”这个密钥。

    The server does the same type of thing on its side using the server_write_key .

  2. 解决了客户端浏览器从Web服务端下载窗体控件并能成功加载该窗体控件的技术问题。

    Solve the problems that how can Windows Forms control be downloaded from Web server and loaded successfully by the client browser .

  3. 更改请求者所用的Web服务端点信息。

    Alter the Web service endpoint information that the requestor uses .

  4. 对服务执行应用ServiceBehavior构造型,可以指定服务端的执行行为。

    Apply the Service Behavior stereotype to a service implementation to specify service-wide execution behavior .

  5. 依据Web服务端到端的电子商务应用开发

    End - to - end E - Commerce Application Development Based on Web Service

  6. 在本文中,我们对Web服务端点的请求-响应模式和单向模式进行了详细的讨论。

    We have gone through the request-response and one-way patterns of web service end-points .

  7. 下面是用于创建我们的Web服务端点的接口文件。

    The following is the interface file that was used to create our web service end-point .

  8. 输入WASWeb服务端点的Remote设置,操作将在此位置处理。

    Enter the Remote setting for the WAS web service Endpoint where the operation will be processed .

  9. 使用URL是识别WEB服务端点地址的一种理想方式。

    A URL is an ideal way to identify a Web service endpoint address .

  10. 针对J2EE服务端组件的自动化测试方案

    A Strategy for Automatic Testing of Server-Side Classes of J2EE Framework

  11. Server端采用C++语言编写,保证了服务端的处理效率以及编程的灵活性。

    Server end adopts C + + programming language to guarantee the efficiency and flexibility of programming of server end .

  12. 然而,存在着这样的情况,在流程开发时,实现抽象Web服务的服务端点是未知的。

    However , there are scenarios where the service endpoint that implements an abstract web service is unknown at process development time .

  13. 对于服务方式,系统采用客户端、服务端和数据库服务器三层结构,实现基于WEBService的信息服务。

    For service manner , system uses three-tier structure of client , server and database server to achieve information service based on Web Service .

  14. 第五章讲述了嵌入式Internet分别作为客户端和服务端的应用实例。

    In the fifth chapter , gives two embedded Internet application examples , one is as client , the other as server .

  15. 存根和动态代理方法使用服务端点接口(ServiceEndpointInterface,SEI)。

    Stub and dynamic proxy methods use the Service Endpoint Interface ( SEI ) .

  16. 我们的Web服务端点将具有多个方法,这些方法可用于说明部署期间所需的各种文件。

    Our web service end-point will have several methods that can be used to illustrate the various files that are required during deployment .

  17. 对ARM子系统的设计采用多线程的服务端程序设计,使得ARM端系统控制功能得到最大限度的发挥。

    Multi-threaded programming is used in ARM subsystem designed to maximally exploit its system control ability .

  18. 论文论述的基于Web的网格系统由网格客户端、信息服务器、网格资源请求代理和网格服务端四部分组成。

    The Grid system discussed by the thesis consists of four parts : Grid Client Infor-mation Server , Grid Resource Broker and Grid Service .

  19. 单击Finish后,Web服务的客户端和服务端所需的对象就生成了。

    After you click Finish , the objects required for the client and service side of the Web service are generated .

  20. 个人标记(来自Person弹出菜单),最初是作为一个服务端的JSP标签实施的。

    PersonTag ( from the Person menu popup ) was originally implemented as a server-side JSP tag .

  21. 注意,服务端点接口是WSDL端口类型的Java表示。

    Note that a service endpoint interface is the Java representation of a WSDL port type .

  22. 通常最后的结果是,服务端点上的服务器可能无法处理Web服务网络所要求的吞吐量。

    Often the end result is that a server at the service endpoint may not be able to handle the throughput the Web services network demands .

  23. 这允许读者实现ProjectZero的多功能性,并且能结合新的特定于LotusDomino的服务端逻辑。

    This allows the reader to realize the versatility of Project Zero combined with new Lotus Domino-specific server-side logic .

  24. 创建服务端点接口(serviceendpointinterface,SEI),并定义一个将公开为Web服务的方法。

    Create a service endpoint interface ( SEI ) and define a method to be exposed as a Web service .

  25. 服务端EJB绑定只能用于JAR打包的SCA应用程序。

    The service side EJB binding is available for JAR-packaged SCA applications only .

  26. Web服务客户也可以通过bean的服务端点接口访问无状态会话bean。

    A web service client can also access a stateless session bean through the service endpoint interface of that bean .

  27. 请确保选择创建EJB服务端点的复选框。

    Be sure to select the checkbox to create an EJB service endpoint .

  28. WEBService是使用标准网络协议可以访问的应用程序逻辑编程接口,可以简化客户端与服务端的交互。

    Web Service is the application procedure logic programming connection which the use standard network protocol may visit , may simplify the client side and the service end interactive .

  29. 最后以获取用户信息接口为例,介绍了WEBService接口的服务端和客户端代码的编写过程,并且给出了接口实例的测试结果。

    Finally , take obtain user information interface as an example , to introduce the process of programing Web Service interface , and provided a result of the interface test .

  30. 随着SOA环境变得更加灵活和响应更快速,服务端点定义中会发生大量的更改。

    As SOA environments become more flexible and responsive , significant numbers of changes can occur within service endpoint definitions .