
xiǎn shì nèi cún
  • display memory
  1. 首先从分析OSD图形层的设备驱动入手,提出了图形显示内存和图形内存缓冲区的设计方案,为图形引擎的实现奠定了基础。

    Firstly , we analysed the OSD graphics device driver , puting forward the design of graphical display memory and memory buffer .

  2. 在图形引擎模块设计中,首先从OSD设备驱动入手,提出了图形显示内存设计方案,完成了图形引擎基本绘图和位图操作的实现。

    In graphics engine module , we firstly study the OSD device engine , and bring forward the design method of the graphics display memory , lastly implement the basal drawing and the work of bitmap .

  3. 内存映射特性能够使您根据XML文件中所定义的布局来显示内存的某个区域。

    The memory mapping feature enables you to display a region of memory according to a layout defined in an XML file .

  4. ClearQuestWeb130-用户会在CMAPI代码和ClearQuestWeb代码中显示内存的泄漏问题,这个问题已经得到了修复。

    The ClearQuest Web130-user test showed memory leaks in CM API code and in ClearQuest Web code , which have been fixed .

  5. 介绍在Microsoft的可视化平台VisualStudios下,如何为图像申请内存、如何将图像读入内存以及如何快速显示内存中的图像等。

    This article introduces how to apply memory for image under the Microsoft Visual studios environment , how to read the image into memory and how to display the image in the memory rapidly etc.

  6. 能显示内存泄漏、溢出等等的位置的工具可以解决内存管理问题,我发现MEMWATCH和YAMD很有帮助。

    Tools that show the location of memory leaks , overruns , and the like can solve memory management problems , and I find MEMWATCH and YAMD helpful .

  7. 本文对利用文件进行图像缓冲和交换的方式进行了改进,在远程工作站利用内存缓冲区直接进行设备无关位图(DIB)的建立且进行传送,并在控制台直接显示内存缓冲区中的DIB。

    Instead of using file for image 's buffer and exchange , this article uses memory buffer directly to create Device Independent Bitmap ( DIB ) and send it in remote workstation , and show the image in console the same way .

  8. 显示内存的一个字节对应一个字符。

    One bit of display memory corresponds to one pixel .

  9. 据谷歌最近的一项研究表明,大多数死机故障均是由内存问题而引起的,抽样的范围可谓史上最大,结果显示内存问题而导致的故障率比早先一些研究中所显示的要高得多。

    Its memory might be to blame , according to real-world Google research that finds error rates higher than what earlier work showed .

  10. 所属权上下文视图显示内存空间的主要占用者与主要内存空间占用者摘要集合的主要组成数据类型之间的所属关系。

    Ownership context view showing ownership relationship between major contributors to the footprint and significant constituent data types of the summarized set of major footprint contributors .

  11. 它提供了一系列工具用来显示内存泄漏和性能瓶颈,并提供对每一行代码进行代码覆盖的策略。

    It offers a suite of utilities that exposes memory leaks and performance bottlenecks , and provides code coverage statistics down to individual lines of code .

  12. Value列为每一个区域显示了内存的内容。

    The Value column shows , for each field , the contents of memory at that particular offset .

  13. Overview选项卡以图形的格式显示有关内存使用、线程、类和CPU使用情况的信息。

    The Overview tab displays correlated information about memory usage , threads , classes , and CPU usage in a graphical format .

  14. db2pd显示共享内存分级结构的准确表示

    Db2pd shows accurate representation of shared memory hierarchy

  15. 尽管已经提供大量的技术用于移动设备访问Web内容的支持,问题的焦点主要是如何将HTML内容显示在内存和屏幕大小受限制的移动设备上。

    Although much work has been done on providing mobile access of Web content , the focus has mainly been the adaptation of HTML content to make it viewable on mobile devices that might have memory and scrren-size limitation .

  16. 在我们第一次观察到这个问题时,topas显示计算内存的总使用量达到99%。

    When we first observed the problem , topas showed the total percentage of computational memory as99 % .

  17. 显示所有内存消耗者的新大小(默认选项)。

    Displays each consumer 's new size ( the default option ) .

  18. 如何显示虚拟内存统计数据?

    How do I display virtual memory statistics ?

  19. 显示所有内存消耗者的收益数据。

    Displays each consumer 's benefit data .

  20. 系统检查显示当前内存、需要内存、空间需求以及操作系统是否支持

    System check shows current memory , required memory , space requirements , and whether operating system is at supported level

  21. 内存设备环境是一块用以显示的内存块,在复制内存图像到实际的显示设备前用来存储图像。

    It can be used to prepare images in memory before copying them to the actual device surface of the compatible device .

  22. 下面的探测脚本使用用户函数进入探测跟踪malloc例程,显示分配的内存量。

    The following Probe script uses the User Function Entry probe to track malloc routines and display the size of allocation .

  23. 大量研究显示,CNS内存在特异性的T细胞免疫应答,在抗微生物感染、多发性硬化症、自身免疫性脑炎以及脑血管病等多种疾病中发挥重要作用。

    Several evidences have shown this specific immune response in CNS play a key role in many immune diseases , such as anti-bacterium , multiple sclerosis , autoimmune cerebritis and so on .

  24. 默认情况下,Xdebug将显示时间、内存使用量、函数名和函数调用深度字段。

    By default , Xdebug displays fields for time , memory usage , function name , and the depth of the function call .

  25. 整个系统划分为5个模块实现,应用程序界面、视图显示层、内存文件层、邮件协议层、网络传输层。

    The whole application is divided into 5 modules .

  26. 黑柱部分显示的是内存条的销售额。

    The black columns show sales of memory chips .

  27. 显示引导使用内存压型。

    Show guide to using memory profiling .

  28. 这些结果显示,使用内存膨胀造成吞吐量增长近20%。

    These results show that the use of memory ballooning contributed to nearly a20 percent increase in throughput .

  29. 监视、显示、释放内存的工具,程序小巧,无须安装即可使用。

    Surveillance showed that the release of the memory tool , facilitating procedures , installation can not use .

  30. 如果不是时间而是内存使用出现了问题,那么一个优秀的分析器还可以显示组件的内存占用情况。

    If time isn 't the issue , but rather memory usage , a good profiler can also reveal component footprints .