
  • 网络software compatibility
  1. 网络可能有问题,或者有软件兼容问题。

    The network might be experiencing a problem , or there might be a problem with software compatibility .

  2. 但是Linux经销商在努力使他们的计算机和窗口软件兼容。

    But Linux distributors are working to make their computers compatible with Windows software .

  3. 通过使用VISAI/O接口函数库实现了软件兼容常见仪器接口的设计目标;

    The design objective of software adapting ordinary instrument interface is realized with VISA I / O interface function .

  4. 最后,根据该模型的迭代算法,实现了一个拓扑生成器(topologygenerator),其输出的网络拓扑图与NS2仿真软件兼容。

    At last , according to the iterated algorithm of this model , there has realized a topology generator .

  5. 还记得上周我们讨论的有关黑莓或将Android应用软件兼容引入其基于QNX(QuickUnix,一款嵌入式实时操作系统)移动操作系统的传言吗?

    Remember last week , when we talked about the rumours that Research In Motion might bring Android application compatibility to its new QNX-based mobile operating system ?

  6. 文中主要讨论了基于UML的可嵌入式想定编辑器的设计与实现,解决了与其它软件兼容的问题。

    Therefore , the design and realization of the embedding thinking editor based on UML is discussed in this paper , and it solves the problems of being compatible with other software .

  7. 如果您不确定哪个软件兼容twain或wia,则请查阅设备文档或与设备制造商联系。

    If you are not sure what software is TWAIN-compatible or wia-compatible , check the device documentation or contact the manufacturer of the device .

  8. 国家半导体公司生产的芯片在结构设计上同大多数应用Wnd。ws操作系统并应用英特尔主板的个人电脑保持一致,因此,软件兼容范围甚广。

    National Semiconductor 's chips use the same design architecture as most Windows-based , Intel-powered PCs , so there is a huge range of compatible software .

  9. 新技术必须与现有的传统软件兼容。

    The new techniques had to integrate with existing conventional software .

  10. 设计的控制台上的按钮和德国西门子的广播电台音频编辑软件兼容。

    The controller is compatible with the audio editing software of Siemens of Germany .

  11. 您不能在此计算机上接听电话,因为您没有和实时会议软件兼容的版本。

    You cannot answer calls on this computer because you do not have a compatible version of real time conferencing software .

  12. 实验表明,该方法能解决异构机之间软件兼容和移植问题,提高了控制系统开发的效率。

    Experiment shows the approach can solves the compatibility and transplant between heterogeneous computers and improves the efficiency of developing control system .

  13. 所有的资源网站只需简单的改动就可和该软件兼容,而不需要修改过多的权限。

    All the resources website only simple changes can be compatible with the software and without the need to change too much authority .

  14. 然而由于软件兼容和演进迁移的限制,使得新处理器在设计时无法完全抛弃原有结构而使用新技术、新思想。

    However , owing to the restrict of software , new processors cannot use the new technology and discard the old architecture when designing .

  15. 三角生物系统的硬件跟大部分现有工业界软件兼容,也可以通过接口界面唯一地适合您的应用软件。

    Our hardware is compatible with a variety of software products already available in the industry or can be uniquely adapted to interface with your application software .

  16. 解决跨平台软件兼容问题的常用方法就是利用动态二进制翻译工具在体系结构之上构建一个虚拟层来让目标软件运行。

    An effective method is generally used to solve this problem by building a virtual layer above the architecture through dynamic binary translation technique to allow the common software running smoothly on it .

  17. 该电路宏模型简单、通用,仅由电阻、电感、电容和理想变压器组成,其模型参数可以根据电压传输函数的极点和留数非常方便地得出,并与国际通用软件兼容。

    The circuit model is composed of resistors , inductors , capacitors and ideal transformers , and the parameters of the elements can be easily calculated by the poles and residues of the voltage transfer function . The circuit model is simple and robust .

  18. 新税制改革以后,由于我国各地税收征管水平和基础网络建设水平差别较大,仍然无法实现软件兼容和数据共享,这在一定程度上直接影响到我国的税收征管改革。

    After new mechanism reform of tax , because the difference of the level of tax levy and management and the network construct , it is difficult to realize software compatible and data sharing , it will impact the reform of the tax levy and management .

  19. 税收档案的建立健全,管理工作的逐步升级,将形成全面、完整、准确的信息库,并逐步与税收征管的应用软件兼容,达到协调统一,促进征管工作更加高效、快捷。

    Establishing a sound tax archives and upgrading management gradually will form a comprehensive , complete and accurate information database which will be compatible with applications of tax collection and administration . As a result , it will be harmonization and promote the work more efficient and fast .

  20. 这种唱盘还配备了Audacity的软件(兼容个人电脑和Mac电脑),可以除去噼啪声和其它噪音。

    It also comes with Audacity 's software ( PC and Mac compatible ) for removing clicks and other noises .

  21. B样条曲面的使用不仅增加了孔洞修补的自由度,而且可以与工业CAD/CAM软件系统兼容,为进一步理论研究和应用开发提供了可能性。

    It not only increases freedom degrees of hole filling , but also compatible with the industrial CAD / CAM software system that B-spline surfaces are used . This offers the possibility of further theoretical research and application development .

  22. 他的计算机和这个软件不兼容。

    His computer is not compatible with this software .

  23. 我们的设备可以与于不同型号的应用软件相兼容。

    Our device could make its way into any number of different applications .

  24. 证书含有一个可能与旧的注册软件不兼容的经过编码的长度。

    The certificate contains an encoded length that is potentially incompatible with older enrollment software .

  25. IBMInstallationManager确保软件安装应用兼容的补丁。

    IBM Installation Manager ensures that only compatible fixes are applied to a software installation .

  26. 完成后,ReactOS能够使用Windows的驱动程序和软件,完全兼容。

    The ReactOS system , when complete , will be able to use the same drivers and applications that Windows uses , completely natively .

  27. 在开发的过程中,采用的是由可免费获取、源代码开放的Linux多任务系统。使用与Eclipse软件开发系统兼容的Qt插件进行开发。分析了地震数据的来源、分类。

    During the development process , we adopt free available , open source Linux multi-system and Qt plug-in which is compatible with eclipse software . Firstly , we analyze the source of seismic data and the classification of seismic data .

  28. 所有的STM32产品的引脚和软件都相互兼容,共用同一个外设资源库。

    All STM32 devices are pin and software compatible , and share from a common pool of peripherals .

  29. 由于加入节点和支持者之间的软件版本不兼容,该群集加入操作失败。

    The cluster join operation failed due to incompatible software versions between the joining node and its sponsor .

  30. 利用C++程序语言开发出了测量机器人控制系统串行通信软件,并兼容图形化、高级语言、汇编语言编程等优点。

    The software of LGMR is design based on C + + , which possesses many advantages , such as compatible graphics , high-level language and assembly language .