
  • 网络Console Game;host game
  1. 另外,碧昂斯还签下了大批代言合约,其中包括日本矿泉水品牌CrystalGeyser、任天堂DS主机游戏、美国运通卡、化妆品牌欧莱雅以及萨曼莎·撒乌萨高级手袋等。

    She also added Crystal Geyser and Nintendo DSi to a lengthy list of endorsement deals that already included American Express , L'Oreal and Samantha Thavasa handbags .

  2. 市场研究公司Digi-Capital的董事总经理蒂姆o麦洛表示,任天堂在主机游戏上的年增长率仅有个位数,对他们来说,移动游戏领域整体22%的年增长率,既是需要把握的机遇,也是将要应对的挑战。

    With revenue growth rates for console games in single digits , the 22 percent compound annual growth rate seen in the mobile segment is an opportunity and a threat that Nintendo needed to address , added Tim Merel , managing director at Digi-Capital .

  3. 如今任天堂已经成为主机游戏产业不可或缺的一部分。

    Nowadays , Nintendo ( ntdoy ) is a vital part of the video game industry .

  4. 你认为在线市场能支持很多类型吗?就像主机游戏所支持的一样?

    Do you think the online market can support as many genres as can be supported on console ?

  5. 他将该市场的繁荣归因于本土游戏设计师和家庭主机游戏设备制造商的经营环境有所优化,以及与外国伙伴开展合作的机会。

    He attributed the boom to improving the environment for home-grown game designers and console manufacturers to do businesses and opportunities to cooperate with foreign partners .

  6. 主机游戏则不然,需要人们考虑值不值得买,一台游戏机大概要250英镑,游戏也要30英镑。

    Console games , however , need to justify thepurchase of the machine itself , at about £ 250 , and of the game , at £ 30 .

  7. 一位政府官员上周日表示,2016年家庭主机游戏设备在中国的销售收入预计将达33.7亿元(折合4.88亿美元)。

    The revenue of video-game console facility sales in China is estimated to reach 3.37 billion yuan ( 488 million U.S. dollars ) in 2016 , an official said last Sunday .

  8. 今年,预计移动游戏的销量将首次超越主机游戏或电脑游戏。

    This year , for the first time , mobile gamessales are predicted to be higher than those on consoles and PCs [ REVISE EDS : SEPARATELY , NOT COMBINED ] .

  9. 那也意味着电影与主机游戏面临同样的批评:二者高昂的制作成本成为创新的障碍,因为很少有公司能拿出上千万投资来制作电影或开发游戏。

    That also means films and console games areopen to the same criticism : their high production values are a barrier toinnovation because so few companies can invest the tens of millions it takes tomake them .

  10. 文化部副司长马峰在上海召开的一场游戏大会上介绍称,主机游戏设备在国内的销售将同比2015年增长56.7%,超过游戏行业的整体增长速度。

    Ma Feng , a deputy department director with the Ministry of Culture , told a gaming conference in Shanghai that console sales in China will grow 56.7 percent over that in 2015 , surpassing growth pace of the entire gaming industry .

  11. 人们很早就认为智能手机会抢走主机游戏的生意,而事实上,不仅主机游戏的市场份额在复苏,分析师们还预言它将迎来一个“黄金时代”,那些惊讶于主机游戏长盛不衰的人都应该试着玩一玩。

    And that is why anyone surprised by thecontinued success of console games , with a revival of market share and analystsforecasting a " golden era " - long after smartphones were supposed to havestolen their business - should try playing a few .

  12. 次时代游戏原本指新一代游戏主机下的游戏。

    Gen games originally refer to games under a new generation of game consoles .

  13. 人们在游戏专卖店前排起长龙,希望能买到这款走俏的主机,而游戏店的存货也不多,只能满足最先到来的少量玩家。

    Preorders quickly sold out , and lines started forming at game stores in the hopes of catching the precious few units available for early birds .