
  • 网络Heading;Main title;Main heading;headline
  1. 然后在图像的中心绘制图形的主标题和子标题。

    The main title and subtitle for the graph are then drawn in the center of the image .

  2. 指印在正文第一页顶部的书名,或在主标题的前一整页上。

    The title of a book printed at the top of the first page of the text or on a full page preceding the main title page .

  3. create-section-with-following-content:该模式用于主标题之后的所有标题。

    Create-section-with-following-content : This mode is used with all headings after the main heading .

  4. 作者卡和主标题卡。

    An author card and subject heading cards .

  5. 在这个案例中,下划线可以清楚地区分主标题和二级标题。

    In this example , the underlining works well to distinguish article titles from the sub-title .

  6. 横额标题:横跨整个版面的大字主标题。

    Banner : the main headline , in large type , across the full width of a page .

  7. 在电子声学音乐范畴中,与声音制作手段有关的主题词(术语)都包括在这个主标题之下。

    This major header in the Subject Index consists of relevant means employed in the sonic production of electroacoustic music .

  8. 一个好的文档应该有主标题和副标题,因为它们可以更容易帮助确定一篇文章的主题。

    A good document has headings and subheadings , because headings make it easier to determine the topic of a page .

  9. 注意主标题、章节分配、和其他相关材料,旨在构筑阅读材料的结构布局。

    Look at main headings , chapter divisions , and other relevant material & to develop clues about the structure of the work .

  10. 这个主标题下的主题词囊括了众多的电子音乐作品。以美学与听觉感受为前提,就其作品的内容而言,可以说它们已经确立了一种音乐风格或流派。

    This main heading within the Subject Index contains groups of electroacoustic works that can be claimed to form a musical genre or category by content , means , aesthetic or listening context .

  11. 插件和产品的信息(如产品名、主窗口标题和About文本)也能够被全球化。

    The information in the plug-in and product , such as product name , main window title , and About text , can also be globalized .

  12. 这里,我们会着重于主版标题的基本结构,即引题、主题、副题之间词组的结构方式、虚实关系和逻辑关系的探讨。

    Here , we will focus on the basic structure of the headline , i.e. lead title , subject , and subtitle . In this section , we concentrate on the phrase structure , the actual versus ideographic issues and the logical issues of the headline .

  13. 程序中最明显的持久对象是主窗口及其标题,以及菜单栏。

    The most prominent permanent object in an application is the main window and its title and menu bars .

  14. 还运用了主位化理论讨论标题和新闻之间的关系:新闻标题是新闻的主位,标题和新闻互为影响。

    The theory of thematization is also employed to analyze the relationship between news and news headline : A news headline can be the theme of a piece of news and they influence each other .