
zhōng duān
  • terminal;terminator;terminus;tag-end
终端 [zhōng duān]
  • (1) [terminal]

  • (2) 电路或部件的电气输入或输出的点之一

  • (3) 可以向系统输入或从系统输出数据的地点或位置

  • (4) 用户借以和计算机通信的器件(如电传打字机)

终端[zhōng duān]
  1. 卡尔每周在电脑终端前坐40个小时。

    Carl sits at a computer terminal 40 hours a week .

  2. 在遭到攻击的情况下,军事顾问提出了能从另一个终端操控一台计算机的优势。

    In the case of an attack , military advisers suggested the advantage of being able to operate one computer from another terminal .

  3. 督学定期进行检查,发现所有方面都令人满意,教材充足,还有5台计算机终端设备。

    School inspectors visit regularly , finding everything satisfactory , books in plenty and five computer terminals .

  4. 你必须以终端用户可以理解的方式描述产品。

    You have to be able to describe things in a form that the end user can understand .

  5. 这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。

    These terminals are all connected to our mainframe computer .

  6. (这实际上是一个混合体,由于大多数美国商家都没有EMV终端,因此它仍将带有磁条。)

    ( It 's actually a hybird that will still have a magstripe , since most US merchants don 't have EMV terminals . )

  7. 武汉大学计算机学院助理教授赵小刚表示,鸿蒙创造出了“超级终端”,使多设备互联更加简化、高效。

    Zhao called HarmonyOS a " mega-terminal " that enables more streamlined and efficient cross-device connectivity .

  8. 鸿蒙操作系统有什么特点?鸿蒙系统是新一代智能终端操作系统,为不同设备的智能化、互联与协同提供统一的语言。鸿蒙更便捷、更流畅、更安全。

    As a next-generation operating system for smart devices , HarmonyOS provides a common language for different kinds of devices to connect and collaborate , providing users with a more convenient , smooth , and secure experience .

  9. 移动远程监护终端用DSP系统设计

    The Design of DSP System Based on Mobile Tele-monitoring Terminal

  10. 用PLC和圆形操作终端组成的卷烟厂除尘监控系统

    Monitor system of dust removal control composed by PLC and graphic operation terminal

  11. 目前,Internet中采用的拥塞控制包括终端控制机制和链路控制机制两个有机部分。

    Today , the congestion control used in Internet consists of two implementations : end point algorithm and link algorithm .

  12. 易于使用-连接你所有的IP语音和视频终端和基础设施到互联网。

    Ease of Use-Connects all your voice and video IP endpoints and infrastructure to the Internet .

  13. 嵌入式LINUX在信息终端中的应用

    The Application of Embedded Linux in Information Terminal

  14. 嵌入式Linux终端设备中通过USB同步数据的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation for Synchronization over USB in Terminal Based on Embedded Linux

  15. IP电话终端的方案设计

    Design of IP Phone Terminal

  16. 为了开始测试,需要仿真终端用户环境,比如多个Web浏览器、操作系统和网络连接性。

    To start testing , simulate the end user environment , such as multiple Web browsers , operating systems , and network connectivities .

  17. 巧用转换器与Modem实现会议电视终端的远程接入

    The remote access of video conference terminal by G.703/V.35 converter and V.35 modem

  18. 使用无射线和低辐射的LCD为终端的显示屏幕;

    It uses zero radial and lower radialized LCD as the display .

  19. PC主机监控终端软件系统的设计是论文的核心内容。

    The design and implementation of PC monitoring terminal software system is the core content of this thesis .

  20. GPRS在远程抄表终端中应用

    Application of GPRS in remote terminals for automatic meter reading

  21. 工业级GPRS数据终端的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Industry Data Terminator with GPRS Technology

  22. 生产线嵌入式RFID终端读写器设计

    Design of RFID terminal reader for product lines

  23. 终端窗口是一个简单的bashshell。

    The terminal window is a simple bash shell .

  24. 控制中心能够及时接收到GPS发回的短信息,在强大的GIS地图上显示被监控终端设备的每一个精确地理位置,实现了实时监控。

    The operations center received the short message and displayed each exact position of the supervised terminal in the screen .

  25. ParlayXWeb服务&终端状态

    Parlay X Web Service-Terminal Status

  26. SIP终端软件实现了语音聊天功能,具有良好的性能。

    The SIP terminal software realizes the voice chat function and has good performance .

  27. 分析UNIX操作系统终端接口的数据结构。

    The data structure of the terminal interface about UNIX operating system is analyzed .

  28. 探讨了该系统实现远程故障诊断的方案,采用Windows终端服务器实现局域网内的网络会话传输。

    The remote fault diagnosis scheme is researched . Windows terminal server is used to realize the communication and transportation in LAN .

  29. 其中,负载平衡技术是用软件实现的,主要用于提高Web服务器、流式媒体服务器和终端服务的可用性和可伸缩性;

    NLB is realized using software , it mainly used to enhance both the availability and scalability of Web servers , streaming media servers , and Terminal Services .

  30. 基于GPRS的农产品移动溯源终端研究与实现

    Study and Development of Mobile Tracing Terminal Based on GPRS for Agricultural Products Quality Tracking